Don't buy Civilization 4


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
This game is so full of bugs that no one can make it play properly. Heck, I'm on the tech support board of the game, and it has more viewers than the general discussion board. Everyone has the same problem! Game isn't compatible with any video card... they're gonna release a patch by the end of the month, but who knows if this will really correct anything. Don't buy it. My comp is brand new and meets all requirements (recommended) and the game is slow as fuck.
AsModEe said:
This game is so full of bugs that no one can make it play properly. Heck, I'm on the tech support board of the game, and it has more viewers than the general discussion board. Everyone has the same problem! Game isn't compatible with any video card... they're gonna release a patch by the end of the month, but who knows if this will really correct anything. Don't buy it. My comp is brand new and meets all requirements (recommended) and the game is slow as fuck.

I bought it and figured the fuckups were due to my laptop not being l33t enough.

The only real problem I have with the game is that the map doesn't reveal itself at all as you move around... it's just all black, with the rivers and resources showing up on top of that... and all the animated leaders... all I can see are their hats, eyes, and teeth which is spooky.

I solve the map problem by going into edit mode and revealing all tiles... a bit of a cheat but at least I can see things... :p
good thing I pirated it

must be why it runs sweetly (a few visual bugs here and there when multiple layers are involved, but only noticable when zooming up close)
Jim LotFP said:
I bought it and figured the fuckups were due to my laptop not being l33t enough.

The only real problem I have with the game is that the map doesn't reveal itself at all as you move around... it's just all black, with the rivers and resources showing up on top of that... and all the animated leaders... all I can see are their hats, eyes, and teeth which is spooky.

I solve the map problem by going into edit mode and revealing all tiles... a bit of a cheat but at least I can see things... :p
They talked a lot about your bug in the tech. support forum and I doubt your computer is the problem. Post your specs and I'll tell you if you can run if smoothly or go to this site which will tell you if you can run the game. Game incompatibility with any video cards might be the problem.
sadly, nearly all pc games are released incomplete these days to meet deadlines, because companies know they can just patch it in a month or two (when the game is ACTUALLY ready to release)

consumers get buttfucked but don't seem to mind much as they keep buying the games. as always, it was better in olden days, when everyone couldn't download patches on the internet so companies had to make sure their software FUCKING WORKED PROPERLY before shipping it -- novel concept huh
Erik said:
sadly, nearly all pc games are released incomplete these days to meet deadlines, because companies know they can just patch it in a month or two (when the game is ACTUALLY ready to release)

consumers get buttfucked but don't seem to mind much as they keep buying the games. as always, it was better in olden days, when everyone couldn't download patches on the internet so companies had to make sure their software FUCKING WORKED PROPERLY before shipping it -- novel concept huh

I don't know if it's really getting BUTTFUCKED... more like getting groped by a gross person. The consumer isn't so much flushing their money down the toilet as they are paying for a pre-order, and getting a demo version immediately until the game is ready. :p
the good news is that if you got the game from you can return it and get a total refund without any questions asked because the site got A SHITLOAD of complaints.
Jim LotFP said:
I don't know if it's really getting BUTTFUCKED... more like getting groped by a gross person. The consumer isn't so much flushing their money down the toilet as they are paying for a pre-order, and getting a demo version immediately until the game is ready. :p
sure, but consider this

the people who are early adopters and help the game sales early on pay maybe $50 and get an incomplete product

the people who wait for when the game 1) is not the hottest thing on the shelves anymore and 2) actually works properly pay maybe $30

so you're paying a premium for helping the sales ratings for the game (which are pretty important) while getting a shittier version of the game. cool huh
I heard it's mostly ATI cards that have issues. I haven't bought the game yet myself. All I know is the PR idiots who forced the early release to get the Christmas market should be fired immediately. Btw, about console vs. PC, console games are tested a lot more thoroughly and don't have to deal with millions of different hardware configurations. Hence, they are less prone to having bugs at all, thus no need for patches. Still, it sounds like Civ IV was rushed out way too early. Since it's their first 3D title, I'm not surprised by the number of issues.
Erik said:
sure, but consider this

the people who are early adopters and help the game sales early on pay maybe $50 and get an incomplete product

the people who wait for when the game 1) is not the hottest thing on the shelves anymore and 2) actually works properly pay maybe $30

so you're paying a premium for helping the sales ratings for the game (which are pretty important) while getting a shittier version of the game. cool huh

I get your point, since Civ IV is the only BRAND NEW GAME WOW that I've bought since Civ III first came out. I always buy the cheapo versions of games later on when I buy games.

But it's not like the thing will already be discounted by the time the patch is ready.

I'd like to know how something like THE MAP NOT SHOWING gets out the door though.
jimbobhickville said:
I heard it's mostly ATI cards that have issues. I haven't bought the game yet myself. All I know is the PR idiots who forced the early release to get the Christmas market should be fired immediately. Btw, about console vs. PC, console games are tested a lot more thoroughly and don't have to deal with millions of different hardware configurations. Hence, they are less prone to having bugs at all, thus no need for patches. Still, it sounds like Civ IV was rushed out way too early. Since it's their first 3D title, I'm not surprised by the number of issues.
I thought only ATI cards had issues with the game too, but while checking the forums, people with Nvidia cards also have the same problems.