Don't forget November 11th.

my grandfather (moms side) was right in the heat of all the conflict in WWII - and he was a P.O.W.
i have all the fucking respect for him and all the other soldiers who fought during times of war
Rememberance day....
I'm not a patriotic person, but I show my respects to the millions who died, for they deserve it much.
Belgar said:
Patriotism is the soul that keeps a country/region together w/o it, you leave the door open to all types of scavangers to come and savage your Fatherland.

yeah, for centuries our ancestors died, they shed their blood and sweat to build our countries and for their freedom, but now with this loss of patriotism, anyone can come along and get the nationality on a piece of paper. that fucking sucks, all my fathers who died fighting against islamic invasion for example.. all for nothing
DemonsAndLies666 said:
hmmmm.... i figured belgar would have responded with one of his thousands of cuban remarks by now.
As a matter of fact, I was quite busy helping a buddy of mine (Juan) not to name him, a good lad who called me out of the blue ... claimed I stole his book on rafting the seven seas ... which of course I didn't. He felt bad and he and his buddy bubba (heheh the only Cuban that's real redneck, real name is Aplhonso) brought some Tequilla ... brought back some bad memories ... lucky for me I had Jager at home.
Thrymfal said:
i think there has been a little confusion between patriotism and nationalism here.
I think so too ... some here have a very misconception of patriotism, but again, to be true patriot, one must somewhere in his heart have some pride in his nation hence nationalism ... if some want to associate it with other stuff, that's their problem. As for skinheads,.... well again, many don't have the notion of what skinheads are and most skinheads don't even have their facts straight. As for kids, some like to throw the word around, kinda sound rebelious, like being a punk,... But again, who am I to judge. I have debated that on another forum and it seems nobody is ever right or wrong.