Don't forget November 11th.

^ true. People misconcept skinheads all the time. For instance they are all racist. Untrue. They are all stupid. Untrue. Hears one that kicks mega ass.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
^ true. People misconcept skinheads all the time. For instance they are all racist. Untrue. They are all stupid. Untrue. Hears one that kicks mega ass.
Skins are bad ass. I'm brining one with me to Canada as a matter of fact, he's an alcholic electrician.
everyone knows that nazi skinheads are a minority in the skinhead family... :p
i personnally know some nazi skinheads i admit, and they are some of the bravest/coolest guys i know.
and yeah, in order to be a true patriot you gotta be nationalist, these go together, being patriot isn't just loving your country which was determined by stupid frontiers, its also loving your people and your culture and wanting to protect them from extinction ^^
(we in europe are the new vikings fighting for survival :cool: )

i wanna fight tonight but you see im a lovef ma lover man i and i listen to leonoard cohvgen fuck you all im fucking wasted anf agressive hey fuck the media too ill never fucking be like you

new yrokj hardcore rules the workd
1. In Russia, although 11.11 isnt mentioned due to obvious (to some) reasons, there was also the Victory Day (9.5). Even here in Israel there a lot of old geezers walking in this day with their Commendation notes and Medals. Although every year there are less and less of them...
2. To push the jewish skinhead issue to even more obscure direction, it is interesting to mention that there are actually skinheads in Israel.... though the movement was kind of "Imported" with the great immigration from Russia in the late 80s and the throughout the 90s...
Never heard about Jewdriver.... funny name tho.
The skins i've encountered were more into "White Power" than nazism...
But I know there are nazis too.. with all the shit that comes along. And this is, again, very very ridiculous IMHO
you guys need to read up a bit more. Skinheads were orignally non-racist working class pridesman, then the racists stole their look to get coverage. [I heard from a german friend] that the neo-nazi thing is getting big in europe, maybe because racists automatically think they have to become skinheads, when that wasnt the idea at all. Its about working class pride! (i.e. suspenders and Steeltoe saftey boots-used by a lot of working class laborers in the olden days)
yeah thats what i had said before, skinhead moovement enven started in Jamaica, the first skinheads were black lol. then the british working class (which was rejected by the system) copied the style and cried "working class proud" ou loud. the skinhead moovemetn started as an apolitic moovement. they listen to punk and ska mostly. then a skinhead ritish band called screwdriver invented THE skinhead music : oi. and they started Sieg heiling in their concerts.. hence started the nazi skinhead moovement. in response to nazi skinhead was formed communist skinheads, or Redskins, in associations, the most famous one; Sharp.
most people dont know about those communsit skinheads although they are probably more of them than nazi skinheads.. so when they see a skinhead in the street they automatically think he's a nazi although thats often not the case.
communist skinheads critisize nazi skinheads saying that they aren't real skinheads cause the skinhead moovement started as an atiracist rebel moovement. but communist skinheads are stupid to critisize them for that because they listen to Oi too which was invented by a nazi skinhead band...
i wont continue because it'll get too long lol
ok i agree with you on the oi thing, but arent thee non-racist oi bands? And I thought Sham 69 and the sham army started oi. I also dont think SHARP are commies, thats too extreme of a name to be called a non-racist. Reds have their own clan particularly RASH (red and Anarchist SkinHead)

Havent you ever heard the term "Neither Red nor Racist"?

*edit: Judging from all your posts, I guess you support all this fvkk jews hippy treehugging liberals suck stuff. I just have to ask, why would anyone want to be a bonehead skin? My friend just got back from a Crimson spectre concert, and WP skins showed up and fucking chased him around with a bullet belt. They also ran over punks trying to escape with their car. Ruining fucking good concerts in the name of your beliefs is selfish. Its like a Vegan protesting Salvation Army's Thanksgiving Dinner because meat is "bad".

Fuck that I say.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
ok i agree with you on the oi thing, but arent thee non-racist oi bands? And I thought Sham 69 and the sham army started oi. I also dont think SHARP are commies, thats too extreme of a name to be called a non-racist. Reds have their own clan particularly RASH (red and Anarchist SkinHead)

Havent you ever heard the term "Neither Red nor Racist"?

*edit: Judging from all your posts, I guess you support all this fvkk jews hippy treehugging liberals suck stuff. I just have to ask, why would anyone want to be a bonehead skin? My friend just got back from a Crimson spectre concert, and WP skins showed up and fucking chased him around with a bullet belt. They also ran over punks trying to escape with their car. Ruining fucking good concerts in the name of your beliefs is selfish. Its like a Vegan protesting Salvation Army's Thanksgiving Dinner because meat is "bad".

Fuck that I say.

HAHA thats fucking funny LOL. aah WP skins rule. hehe
and yes there are apolitic skinheads, who are apart from the communist and nazi skins who fight each other constantly.
and there are communist and apolitic oi bands too.
anyway yeah i think skrewdriver started oi.. cause i saw a documentary about the skinhead moovement, and they said that..
and finnally, judging from my posts you have teh right to think that i agree with every nationalist moovements whatever they are (cause its the most honorable fight), and i'm certainly not a liberal hyppie mother fucker helping the destruction of my people (when they breed with aliens..)
oh by the way Jewdriver does exist, i think its jewish skinheads making fun of the WP skinhead ban skrewdriver.
And SHARP is skinheads against racial prejudice... they are cloeser to commies than anything aything else.
and to finish i dont understand how anarchists and commies can be united... anarchy being so not like communism.
Basically Anarchists dont agree with how this governtment is run, and neither do the commies. We also have the Doc marten skins(my favorite shoe company!) , colorblind (anti-nazi) and GASH (gay anarchist skinheads) They can get along.

As far as the "oh-so destruction of my people" this is 2004, not 1349. If you guys ever gain a pure white race what are you going to do? You guys are gonna just stare at each other and say "Yay, were white!" and thats it.

Where are you Eisbar?
He's not talking about white power, but about preserving the cultural identity of his homeland. While i don't necessarily agree with it, i can at least see the difference between it and, say naziism, largely because he isn't trying to force being french on the rest of the world. That said, this is why i like being an american, because we have no specific cultural template. We're a nation of immigrants, so everyine else here is just as american as I am, regardless of all the other differences we have.
Oi's! are just provocing. They're not politic in any way. They are just Skins for the sake of fun. If an Oi is political he isn't an Oi anymore.
Sharps are not communistic in every case, Reds are.
Reds define themselves with the help of communism, sharps are just aganist racial prejudices as found out before by Celtik mili.
Nazi Skins are the smallest of the group and not to be confused and mixed up with the Boneheads. Right, most Neo-Nazis are recruited out of the Bonehead movement, but these groups are not identical.

As long as no racial theories about supremacy are born or brought to life again, I don't care. Everybody can live as he wishes, as long I'm not bothered by him.
Perhaps this "Yay, were white!" will happen, but as history has shown us , we all know that this won't the sufficient. There will be people believing in racial supremacy and even fight for it. The things happened during the 1930s and 40s will happen again - we're not through and we never will in near time.
I don't reject Celtik just because of his opinion, but I would deal with that topic sensitively.