^ true. People misconcept skinheads all the time. For instance they are all racist. Untrue. They are all stupid. Untrue. Hears one that kicks mega ass.

Skins are bad ass. I'm brining one with me to Canada as a matter of fact, he's an alcholic electrician.Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:^ true. People misconcept skinheads all the time. For instance they are all racist. Untrue. They are all stupid. Untrue. Hears one that kicks mega ass.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:ok i agree with you on the oi thing, but arent thee non-racist oi bands? And I thought Sham 69 and the sham army started oi. I also dont think SHARP are commies, thats too extreme of a name to be called a non-racist. Reds have their own clan particularly RASH (red and Anarchist SkinHead)
Havent you ever heard the term "Neither Red nor Racist"?
*edit: Judging from all your posts, I guess you support all this fvkk jews hippy treehugging liberals suck stuff. I just have to ask, why would anyone want to be a bonehead skin? My friend just got back from a Crimson spectre concert, and WP skins showed up and fucking chased him around with a bullet belt. They also ran over punks trying to escape with their car. Ruining fucking good concerts in the name of your beliefs is selfish. Its like a Vegan protesting Salvation Army's Thanksgiving Dinner because meat is "bad".
Fuck that I say.