Don't you hate when

Thats normally about the time when an army of anxiety, anger, panic, frustration, hatred, anger, and last-minute riff-jams start to set in.
Did I mention anger?
Give it 5 minutes and it'll change. This is Melbourne weather we're talking about. Its not as simple as you'd think, living with the mother-in-law. I'm actually fighting off a nap because I dont want to be up all night before work, tomorrow.
Seems like the perfect time to throw back a couple coffees and grab the gitfiddle.
Give it 5 minutes and it'll change. This is Melbourne weather we're talking about. Its not as simple as you'd think, living with the mother-in-law. I'm actually fighting off a nap because I dont want to be up all night before work, tomorrow.
Seems like the perfect time to throw back a couple coffees and grab the gitfiddle.

You weren't too far off the mark mate. About 7pm I got an idea, picked up the guitar and noodled it out into cubase.