Doom Drone Epic (SoloC, 7170, Acoustic Guitar)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
So, I was feeling bored, and really in the mood to make some doom drone, but my guitars are out of action so I picked up my acoustic and miced it up with my AKG Perception 200.

Chugged out a 12 or so minute Doom Drone epic on it
Then I applied TSS, SoloC, 7170, Voxengo Boogex with Ryan's Fredman impulses to it, duplicated the track and bumped the second one forward 10 or so milliseconds and panned them hard left and right to artificially double track it, since double tracking was out of the question because it's improvised.
Duplicated it again and pitch shifted it down an octave, used the same amp sims, but a little differently for a bass track.
The 2 main tracks got sent to a HUGE stereo reverb.
All I had to do to "master" it was export it, re-import into a master track, and stick voxengo elephant on, then turn it up. No gClip or anything because there's so much distortion it's all just a waveform anyway haha. Celestial Speech 1.mp3

Feel free to download this and send it to friends and such, just link them here too ;)
its impossible not to get into dirty sludgy riffs man
it just flowed
if i was playing with distortion it would have gone on a whole lot longer and been a bit mroe interesting though to be fair
but i like the idea of using an acoustic to make drone, so anything i do for this project will probably be done the same way
this kills sunn o))) i love this shit dude, you are the god of dronje

I gotta disagree, beating this:
With VST's is roundabout impossible ;)

Like what your doing though! the music and intention is cool, the sound is also just about as "Black One" as one can get with vst's huge fucking props on that!
Cool way of getting there..

But it obviously misses the sound of a gazzilion carefully picked and modded amps at a 130 DB spl churning through a big venue or church imo.

It absurdly simple music but that is just what makes 50% of this music imo.
i will be making some doom with my buddy soon
and we are going to crank my 5150 for like 20 minutes while the house is empty and record outside of the room :D
or maybe go inside with earplugs
brown note everywhere
world ending shit
Try that with a 100 watt Sunn amp or Hiwatt/Soundcity ;) those are the amps for those kind of territory's ghehe
Trust me, you will fall in love hahaha

if i had the money, id be all over a sunn amp, believe me
i may have to get oz to re-amp some dooooom for me if he ever gets the time!
creative micing and mixing n' shit man :kickass:

and it's great at 1 AM it's exactly what I feel like listening to, thanks :Spin:
i have an ep basically finished already guys haha
hugeeeely prolific day yesterday
i think it needs one more track before i unleash it on the world though
spent most of the night listening to godspeed, bossk, and explosions, this is quite different.. :p

when creativity strikes you, you do just go for it though! haha.

i'm sure many an all-nighter will pass by, with this track playing in the background (for some of it, at least :p)

This is pretty damn awesome. Are we the only two major doom fans on this board? I might have to recruit you for an intarnet collab \o/
haha no offense taken man, i did a lttle giggle to be fair bro haha
and so far it's an even split between doomy evilness and quieter ambience with effects experimentation
but ive got 2 more amazing fucking riffs that are really different, so after ive had a cup of tea and a shower im gonna jam em out and see what happens
i really wanna put some actual proper 'coustic in there somewhere. one of the riffs might well be perfect for it, so we shall see!
i thought i was done yesterday, woke up feeling like i had more ideas that'd be relevant to the album, so im gonna have to add to it now haha. fuck.