Doom Metal..


In world of shit
Mar 17, 2008
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hi friends, I'm a doom metal novice who is looking to expand his collection. The only 2 doom bands that I'm really into so far is Solitude Aeturnus and Candlemass. I'm basically looking for some doom with quality vocals, guitar solos, clean production, and obviously some good riffage. I've tried some Electric Wizard's Dopethrone but I'm not into the fuzzy production style/vocals and I have Cathedral's "Garden of Unearthly Delights" but only like tracks 3,5 and 6.

I also heard a song by the band Doomsword which sounded pretty good so what's their best album to start with?

Thanks in advance:)
Reverend Bizarre is doom metal and doom metal is Reverend Bizzare.
get Doomswords latest album 'My Name Will Live On' or their 2nd release 'Resound The Horn'

these bands are also recommended:

While Heaven Wept
Thx for the recs, soom good stuff.

Yeah I know there's a doom thread, I just figured you'd rather me ask here than clog up that forum asking for recs...

Anyways, what is the most newb accessible Reverend Bizarre to start with?
In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend is the best start with Revbiz, mostly because it is their best.

Also, do yourself a favor and check out Forsaken, very underrated. And don't fucking forget SCALD(!) either.
Holy fuck I didn't know that Warning cd. It's fucking incredible.

To the Reverend Bizzare, what Vildem said, but I enjoy their last one and Return to the Rectory EP more
My Dying Bride, yeah.

Also While Heaven Wept (I know someone mentioned them earlier) as well as Virgin Black (not traditional doom metal, but still pretty cool).