Excellent recommendations so far...I'm loving some of the bands mentioned here.(Although i have listened to majority of em b4)
Also check out sahg/The sword.
If you wanna listen to some black sabbath rip-off(in a good way), then they are for you!
Ok, so I've been having this on repeat since I got the album. They are so fucking good. :-DNot doom, but definitely check out The Pnakotic Demos by Atlantean Kodex. Brilliant epic heavy metal with occasional doomy parts. If you like Solstice, I guarantee you will like them.
Well, they aren't that bad...you can listen to them once or twice..pretty enjoyable.I prefer Isen Torr I think over Atlantean Kodex for European epic metal, but both are quite good.
As for The Sword: not MUSICALLY terrible but considering how hipstery they are and the fact that they do nothing better than a lot of better Sabbath-throwback bands, there's no reason to listen to them.
But I don't get get the "hipster" comments. What the fuck does that even mean? Are you just complaining they're not a bunch of dorky metal nerds like you? Seriously, grow up.