Double-tracking for a band with two-guitarists

yeh its called quad tracking, its a preference thing, depends on the style and whether the players are tight enough
They had left their gears for the next day's solo take.
I picked up the whole song and recorded it myself after they had left.
Hey, it's fun! XD
Apart from that, it's also a great contribution for improving my ear training skills.
Nope. Pick the one who is the tightest rhythm player and get him to do all 4 takes.

Eh, for tight metal yeah, but as I understand it Amb...ahem, Drew is in a less traditional chugga-chugga band, where the vibe of having two different guitarists might be pretty cool (provided they're both tight players though)
Yeah, I'm not into "tightness" as it goes. I'm more into sludgey type stuff, crushing and sort of sloppy in a way.

Drew is actually my real name Marcus :)
Thanks for the responses btw! I will double-track each guitarist. It'll take longer, but I having more takes is preferable to having not enough takes!
Nah, it'll be fine I'm sure. To be honest, we're all very tight with each other in terms of musicality and rhythm. The sort of stuff we write isn't really a part of the school of sneap, but there is still good advice to be heard around here.
I like to have the "rhythm" player do all the rhythms for the reasons you (may) find out..
But you'll defiantly come out with a more "real" band effect if everyone plays their own parts.

Let us know how you get on !
Have fun dude.
what about one guitarist doing the left side rhythm parts and the other doing the right side? double tracking with each guitarist doing one side, if different gear is used for each guitarist, is that ever done or am I talking total nonsense? I'm kinda new on this, I'm curious

If you've got two really tight players there's no harm in tracking with both... but as far as using different gear for both, I try to stay away from that. At least in my experience using different amps tends to make the mix kind of lop sided, but it's totally possible that I just totally suck at applying it!:erk:
What do you usually do for harmonized guitars in quad-traking? Same line 2 times for each side, or both the lines for each side?
I mean:

Riff and Riff H

1. Riff L - Riff L
Riff H R - Riff H R

2. Riff L - Riff H L
Riff R - Riff H R

What do you usually do for harmonized guitars in quad-traking? Same line 2 times for each side, or both the lines for each side?
I mean:

Riff and Riff H

1. Riff L - Riff L
Riff H R - Riff H R

2. Riff L - Riff H L
Riff R - Riff H R


I usually will have the harmonies on each side, personally...But, the way they are panned gives weight for each part of the harmony to a certain side. I also usually have the 75% panned guitar tracks a bit lower in the mix.

so, I'd do it like this:

Riff L - 100%
Riff H L - 75%
Riff R - 75%
Riff H R - 100%