Double-tracking for a band with two-guitarists

The trick is in panning. Pan one amp 100 % L/R and then pan the second one for example 85 % L/R. That way the mix isn't leaning towards one side.

ray did get my point, I don't think you did, what you say would be quad-tracking with two guitarists with different gear, I was asking about dualtracking, as in guitarist 1 does all the left guitars and guitarist 2 does all the right ones. ray pretty much answered what I expected though, thanks
No, I meant that only one guy tracks all four tracks with the same guitar, cabinet and micing setup; two with one amp, and two with another amp :)

yeah but you answered Ray and he wasn't saying that, he was answering me and I wasn't asking about quad-tracking, I was asking double-tracking. So anyways, you never done that? double-tracking, one guitarrist doing one side and another guitarrist with different gear doing the other side? anyone had good results with that?
Well from what I can tell, if each guitarist does 2 takes of his part so that there are now 4 takes although 2 are of a different part but for the same section of song, that is still considered quad tracking cause you're doing 4 takes for moment in time in the song.
Anyone ever do 6 tracks? I've tried it a few times for slower stuff and the results with even a mediocre tone was friggin' huge.