J-Dubya 777 said:Only if Freak Kitchen can as well, if not, No Bueno!
I wouldn't mind that.

J-Dubya 777 said:Only if Freak Kitchen can as well, if not, No Bueno!
Bad Girl Tess said:I wish Mercenary released a CD every 6 months. I'm ready for a new one already!!!!!!!!!!
BlindPanzer said:Bringing lower slots back to progpower so soon should only happen as it has with the preparty. That way they get a longer set time and it doesn't affect the line up of the main festival. Having said that, I don't think that the pre-party should become a reprise of the previous year's PP, maybe just limit it it to one band a year.
woosta said:Make room for Pretty Maids, Running Wild, Fate, Freedom Call, Iron Savior, Crematory, Entwine, Helloween, Firewind, Sinner, Sinergy, and all the Prog bands that folks there like. I don't need to see Evergrey 4 times, Zero Hour 2 times, Edguy 2 times, etc. We can do that on PP20 with some repeats.
Bear said:Maybe two or three on your list I like. The things is we all have different taste and yeah your right there is an entire globe of music out there..
I think there should be a best of PPUSA at some point, just not yet...Maybe at PPUSA X