Down with the no repeat rule!!

As great a show as Mercenary put on, and as absolutely wonderful as all of them were to myself and everyone else I saw them talk to, I wouldn't want to see them year after year at PP. It's a real treat to see that they were coming back for round 2 this year, and I'd love them to take the stage again no doubt, but there's other bands I want to see at the fest that I havent seen before. I don't want Mercenary to turn into what Evergrey's become at Progpower. It's just like ... Oh, Evergrey. Again. PP is supposed to be about variety.

That said, DEFINITELY bring Mercenary back and keep them in the rotation, because to me, They've definitely made a part of this festival their own. They rip this place up as far as I'm concerned, just wait a few years.

Bring them over on a USA tour! Do THAT every year and I'll be happy. :D
MetalRose said:
I agree, although I wouldn't mind seeing bands repeated after a couple of years... But I know a lot of People are waiting for DragonForce.. Personally I'd like to see Andromeda as well as other.

Although I think that CM comming back to play the pre party was freaking killer idea!


Trust me, I'm not one of the ones waiting for Dragonforce. They appeal to me like dirty dish water! :yuk: I literally wouldn't walk across the street to see those guys if they played the local campus bar here in town.
woosta said:
I saw Jorn play with Ark back at PP? whatever it was. That just about killed me to sit through that and having many of his cds for projects that followed, I just couldn't justify sitting through that again. So I DID try Jorn out once. :kickass:

I guess if you didn't like him with ARK and didn't like any of his projects since then there really wasn't much reason to stay. Are you sorry at all that you missed the big jam on "Stars"? Your boy IA tore it up on the Yngwie guitar parts!
woosta said:
No, see, you're missing the point. I wasn't listing bands to say "I want those" although I do. I was just ripping off a dozen or so bands right off the top of my head to say that it would be easy to fill PP with great bands no matter the genre without repeating.

As for "my taste" vs "your taste", Freak Kitchen was the band for about 4 of us on this board and everyone pissed and moaned about their indifference to the band playing here. Now they've played and the last time I looked at the poll, they had 38 votes for best of show. What that says is that people need to shut their mouths with the whining and TRY, JUST FUCKING TRY something new. They may actually be impressed. Or, I guess we could spin the same 20 cds and see the same 20 bands for infinity. Talk about killing the scene! It's not good and we've had proof of the power in mixing it up by having Freak Kitchen here.

A-FUGGIN-MEN! Part of the reason their name kept popping up in my wishlist year after year.......:rock:

Andy Laudano said:
I guess if you didn't like him with ARK and didn't like any of his projects since then there really wasn't much reason to stay. Are you sorry at all that you missed the big jam on "Stars"? Your boy IA tore it up on the Yngwie guitar parts!

Well, that would have been cool to see/hear but I was trying a new idea to make the drive experience more reasonable this year. It didn't work..the drive home still sucks.