Download Compilation V.3.0. here

I think ShamRain would have been a nice addition to the compilation but i was a bit late or maybe Leave's Eyes, In the Woods... ????
Exactly, hihi.

Though I think I know, more rock, more love, less electronics.

(Having said that, my brain's falling apart from the Strangelight shawshank redemption mix.)
Bambi said:
a lot of pcs tend to have problems with their file associations for tif images
in that case i suggest ppl get themselves a proper pc :)
ah well, jpg it is then for all you harrises

pick the 1st one or this jpg (remember to resize it to 12 cm)
they probably do have proper pcs its just that joe and joesephine soap uses jpegs or gifs far more often than tiff or mtiff so quite often that file association is screwed and windows tries open it in photo editor or something. :erk:
ive even seen the picture viewer in XP screw up on tifs, just last week i had a user hassling me to convert some scanned tif of a baby so she could view it, she wanted to make it her desktop or summat. I think i'll print it out and paste it onto her monitor :tickled:

incidentally the majority of peecees out there are still 98 :erk: