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Bambi said:
they probably do have proper pcs its just that joe and joesephine soap uses jpegs or gifs far more often than tiff or mtiff so quite often that file association is screwed and windows tries open it in photo editor or something. :erk:
exactly that was the case with me.
couldn't listen yet to the other songs but
06 elisabeth/siderea - bonnie 'prince' billy - sheep

i wouldn't mind if people tell why they choose their track
so this is the song i had my first fuck at and it was by this guy with the most weird fantasies, he.. urr

name: bonnie 'prince' billy = palace (music/songs/brothers) = will oldham
album: ease down the road (2001)

this song: the drive makes it stick into my head for ages, lyrics are less 'simple and clear' than his other work, in an interview he says the lyrics of sheep are the ones he worked on longest of all his stuff

tip for lovers: darker & moodier: his album 'i see a darkness' but i didn't take a song from that one because some people already know it around here, i only have it on cassette, cassette player is broken and i didn't listen to it after 1999 when i listened way too much to it.

gets siderea's special price because: beard approved
I chose that track because when I was 14 I fell in love with the artist, who is a painter and theatre and other designer besides being a musician. That track is part of a film made in the late 80s, called Movie Clip, it's an interesting movie, full of little stories put together for individual songs. And because of the birds.
Eh, i like it and I thought it was a good fit wih the criteria.

Though I might have read too much into those, since the person who set those uploaded Depeche Mode, hehe.
i chose that particular song from burhan öçal (might have chosen any track from that album called "sultan") as they are all dark and moving haha. i wanted to choose something you guys dont get to hear everyday. well, i dont get to hear this kind of music either, because of all the bullshit around. hope you guys like it.

i was gonna choose a longer one (which was much cooler) but it's longer than 5 min.