Download festival fucking ruled!!!


Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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Been back for about two hours...fuck me, what a weekend. For me it basically started at 8pm Wednesday night and finished bout the same time tonight (Monday). Fucking class. My first full festival and it went very well! Saw some class bands - Megadeth, Napalm Death, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, 3 Inches Of Blood, Slayer and Motorhead were my faves, maybe some others I forgot. Lost my glasses in the Slayer pit, and my Trogdor t-shirt :cry: great fun on top of it all. 24-hour drinking on the first day, two mates getting carted off by security for a portaloo pushed over by me and another mate, freaky circus act, self-mutilator act, devil bunnies, barneys...oh man it was all good :headbang: can't afford to go next year but I think I'll be sorting something out anyway! :D
Later. Getting them all done on the ol' 1-Hour Development thing today. Five cameras and 132 photos = lots of £ :erk: but it'll be worth it :p