download my "cd" for free


Nov 21, 2008
Frederick, MD
hey. I make "cd's" every three months. I would love to share it with you guys. I know it may be hard, but listen to the songs, not the mix. I really cant describe what it sounds like, so listen to the sample song. It is mostly all melodic though. Its 13 tracks, with a runtime of 56:56, all instrumental. The song titles are goofy at times, but i dont have any creativity in that department.

Sample song: Shred.mp3

full cd : Dankmeyer - Light.rar

thanks to whoever checks it out. it means alot.
I love free music!!! Thanks, man. I'm downloading now and I'll give it a spin tomorrow!!! Its 1am, here.
AWesome !! , you last cd was pretty cool man , i gave it to a couple of my friends and they liked it a lot !
look forward to listening to this ..

i was very impressed with the tightness of your playing on your last album. if you can put out an album like that every three months ,, that is VERY impressive
i wish i could do that.

anyways , downloading it now , i'll tell you what i think later ..

Loving the grooves, the layers, the atmospheric synths, the melodies....... You've got some skill, dude!!!
I gotta agree, if you're able to do this every 3 months, that is beyond impressive to me :rock:
I'd love to be able to do this

I am absolutely loving "If Anyone Is Out There...Please".... Great Jam!!!
oh snap, i thought this thread was dead. :lol: Thanks for all the positive comments, it means alot. I would love to find a vocalist. But i'd be pretty picky about it. I love all styles of metal/hardcore vocals. so if i could, i'd have every type of vocal in there. But that would be hard to find. Thanks again guys.