Here, download my cd...


Nov 21, 2008
Frederick, MD
Im not trying to make this sound like an "advertisment" or spam, but i would like you guys to download my "cd". its a christmas present or something :lol:. its 11 tracks, over 47 minutes long, all instrumental. Melodic riffage, blasts, keyboards, stuff. Its free, just take it dude. Would love to know what anyone thinks.

sample song: Dankmeyer - Q4 2009/EWQL sucks.mp3

if you're still interested:

full cd: Dankmeyer - Q4 2009/Dan Dankmeyer - Q4 2009.rar
fuck it - its free - if its shit ill stick it on the pirate bay :lol:

EDIT: there had better be album artwork in that package because otherwise your going to ruin my beautiful iTunes collection
Damn, I am quite impressed by this CD. I'm on my third consecutive run-through after just d/ling it. I think it is fantastic to be able to do something else and yet mentally switch over every once in a while. I really like "Staring into Water" and "eXODUS cHOIR". Great work!
sound pretty good, i really liked the snare in the front, but as a personal opinion you might try to put the kick drums more present as the whole drum set is.
Cheers man, another good CD for my playlist.
once again, thanks so much! didn't expect this many people to check it out/good "reviews". the song titles are a little goofy. im not so good in that department. heh. song structure could be better, but there is no vox, so its riffs riffs riffs. i dont want to throw down links either, but add me on myspace if you'd like.