download new "Headcrusher" Megadeth track today!


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
" is offering a 24 Hour-only mp3 download of "Headcrusher" from the new forthcoming album "Endgame". Check back Tuesday, July 7th at 11 AM EDT for your exclusive download of Megadeth's "Headcrusher" at this location."

It's already up. :) I just downloaded it. I think it definitely has the old-school Megadeth thrashy feel to it, along with the production and sound they captured on the UA album. I don't think the solo is very impressive though. Since Dave has been boasting Chris as being better than Marty for the last few months, I would have expected their first single to have more of an eye popping solo from Chris. Whatever. I do like the breakdown that occurs around the 1:40 mark. That type of Megadeth writing definitely takes me back almost 20 years! :)
Man, that picture is so fucking gory and sweet! Would definitly like a high-res version, and some back story to how that thing actually works. Song is good, Andy did an amazing job for sure. I'm not really a Megadeth fan though, but I'm digging this stuff.

I find myself listening for that killer bass tone more than the guitars though! :lol:

EDIT: Found some info:

The head crusher was widely used during most of the Middle Ages, especially the Inquisition. With the chin placed over the bottom bar and the head under the upper cap, the torturer slowly turned the screw pressing the bar against the cap.

This resulted in the head being slowly compressed. First the teeth are shattered into the jaw; then the victim slowly died with agonizing pain, but not before his eyes were squeezed from his sockets.

This instrument was a formidable way to extract confessions from victims as the period of pain could be prolonged for many hours if the torturer chose to. This could be done by repeatedly turning the screw both ways.

If the torture was stopped midway, the victim often had irreparable damage done to the brain, jaw or eyes.

Many variants of this instrument existed, some that had small containers in front of the eyes to receive them as they fell out of their sockets.

Holy shit, that is one of the most ingenious and disgustingly horrible things I have ever heard off! :yow: Metal as fuck though! :kickass:
Oh man, this is getting me more and more pumped for the release in September (along with the bazillion of other bands releasing stuff in september this year o.o).
Andy definetly did an awesome job.
The song sounds great. The only down side is that the song seems like taken from the UA album, there is no evolution in the sound.
is it all like this ..or is there gay shit as well? HeadCrusher really sounds thrashy...loving it!
The guitars are a lot more lively on this one than UA. The song is a lot more reminiscent of PSBWB or KIMB than anything in remotely recent memory. I love that mid-tempo part at about 2 minutes.

What amp was used for guitar rhythms on this one? It's a really good Marshall tone.
in remotely recent memory. I love that mid-tempo part at about 2 minutes.

What amp was used for guitar rhythms on this one? It's a really good Marshall tone.

sounds like triplexxx to me