
New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
Im watchign Credence as we speak.....WOW.........soudn is waeosme.......offocrse not VD quality..theres somewaht crowd noise....OMg...thyre singing along to nice....and Mike is improvisng the Vox ont eh beautiful; a bad the picture...well its not DVD again...but nice...too dark I say...still at times,...its hard to see them...PETER is not visible at all.......:( o well.....but yeah bad ass DVd...the performnace so far itslef is aweose...the crowd isgoing "OPETH OPETH OPETH" b4 Demon of the fall.....aewosme.....Mikes going...ARE U READY....!!!!.FECK YEAH I AM...Im off or demon of the fall guys...abd assconcert.........PEAC EOUT
hahaha...MIKe brek a string on DEMON...but his tech came right throu with another guita....very quick work there.....aewsome.......PEAC EOUT
DUDES THERES ALSO A BAD ASS GALLERY OF PICS.......really good quality pics...aweosme.......PEAC EOUT
woah......tah'ts awesmoe.....opeht live is TEH SHIT......i havnet dled yet lol.....mystic bunny demons r hunting keep runinng form teh bunny demons.....LOL....PEAC EOUT
waz416c said:
Im watchign Credence as we speak.....WOW.........soudn is waeosme.......offocrse not VD quality..theres somewaht crowd noise....OMg...thyre singing along to nice....and Mike is improvisng the Vox ont eh beautiful; a bad the picture...well its not DVD again...but nice...too dark I say...still at times,...its hard to see them...PETER is not visible at all.......:( o well.....but yeah bad ass DVd...the performnace so far itslef is aweose...the crowd isgoing "OPETH OPETH OPETH" b4 Demon of the fall.....aewosme.....Mikes going...ARE U READY....!!!!.FECK YEAH I AM...Im off or demon of the fall guys...abd assconcert.........PEAC EOUT
Damn, I got anxiety just reading that; I can't imagine how you felt typing it. Please don't post like that anymore. Grammar is your friend! :D

And I'm so glad your download was successful. I can't imagine what this post would've been like had your download failed. :erk:
[onyx] said:
And I'm so glad your download was successful. I can't imagine what this post would've been like had your download failed. :erk:
haha....feck.....tah'ts so funneh.....liek i kno.....daerht EOUT
yeah if u gusy need teh DVD.....just PM me ure mail info....i aint got no probl. sending it long as it dont ocst me huge sums.....but yeah AWesome DVD...its really good....ive wathced Credence liek 10 tiems now....jhahahaha........Killer DVD......Keep rockin.......PEAC EOUT
waz416c said:
hahaha...MIKe brek a string on DEMON...but his tech came right throu with another guita....very quick work there.....aewsome.......PEAC EOUT
I laughed out loud when I saw that. Funny to see Mike screaming "DEMON, DEMON OF THE FALL" without guitar in his hands. Interesting to see how he's going to behave on stage with Bloodbath, only the mic in his hands. I Can't imagine Mike doing that. :D
...yeah and...PEAC EOUT