downloadable live mp3

eternity part 1, alternative 4, parisienne moonlight

if you got these somewhere ill be glad to hear them ;)
I MIGHT soon get the Paris 99 gig when Anathema played the whole Judgement album live, so there will be rare rareeeeeeeee tracks on it...
Oh and I've got a bit of Orion live too, unless I unintentionally erased the whole bootleg the other day :cry:
from the ones they don't play i'd say kingdom, sunset of age, shroud of frost, regret, the beloved... i won't put dunc's songs cos it's clear they won't be played under current circumstances.
i have a bunch of anathema bootlegs sharing on Soulseek, i'll list them
Driven until oblivion '99
Live in Bukarest '94
live In steenwyk (judgement tour, date unknown)
Metalmania poland '03
mean fiddler london 12-12-01
Live in dublin 2001
Live acoustic paris '98
Live In Lowlands '98
Live In Thessaloniki 1999

I also have a couple Antimatter ones with them doing "regret" "temporary peace" and one with "everwake!!!!!"

on the anathema ones, they do Angelica, alternative 4, orion, temporary peace, eternity part 1, nocturnal emission and more...i use the same name for soulseek as i do on here, insidethefall...if you want to download these from me feel free
insidethefall said:
i use the same name for soulseek as i do on here, insidethefall...if you want to download these from me feel free

oh insidethefall, did you DL only the songs or do you have the whole shows. because Temporary Peace is played its certainly my bootleg :D *feels proud making it to America already*
@cerulean, i know, but times change, and i still hope for regret one day! And btw i have the same cut version of Orion as Arno, though i'm sure i still have it! So if anyone is interested feel free to contact me!

and insidethefall: are you sure Antimatter did a regret cover on their acoustic booots???
regret is top music for sure. shame the lads won't play it, even though it's danny's song.

by the way, is that soulseek thingy any good, is it like more metal oriented? can you find rare stuff or what? oh, and can someone post the download address please...

sol83 said:
by the way, is that soulseek thingy any good, is it like more metal oriented? can you find rare stuff or what?

In my opinion, it's the best p2p out there. It's not very fast (not too say slooow sometimes) but you find almost everything you want on there. Almost everything is full-cd, and if you find a user that has the same taste, you can find lots of new stuff and stuff you've been looking for a long time.
ah, lots of bootlegs too...
well, the file was pretty small so i didn't have to wait long... i'm a 56k user. never forget that!
insidethefall said:
i have a bunch of anathema bootlegs sharing on Soulseek, i'll list them
Driven until oblivion '99
Live in Bukarest '94
live In steenwyk (judgement tour, date unknown)
Metalmania poland '03
mean fiddler london 12-12-01
Live in dublin 2001
Live acoustic paris '98
Live In Lowlands '98
Live In Thessaloniki 1999

I also have a couple Antimatter ones with them doing "regret" "temporary peace" and one with "everwake!!!!!"

on the anathema ones, they do Angelica, alternative 4, orion, temporary peace, eternity part 1, nocturnal emission and more...i use the same name for soulseek as i do on here, insidethefall...if you want to download these from me feel free

BLOODY HELL! Antimatter doing "regret"????????????? WOW