DragonForce - Are these guys for real?


May 14, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Recenty I heard a track from a group called DragonForce and the song was called Valley of the Damned. At first I couldn't stop laughing. It was the cheesiest and funniest thing I heard in a long time. I can't work out if their music is serious or a power metal piss take. Anyway, The song has grown on me and I love listening to the track. The hypersonic druming and guitar solos like a kid who just got a Whammy pedal for his birthday. Anyway, a big thumbs up to Dragonforce. :headbang:
It's cheesy, but you know what? It's fun. And they're talented guys.

Same with Rhapsody. If fantasy isn't your thing, it probably sounds pretty dumb - but you can't deny those composition skills.
I dunno... there's something I don't like about them... the guitar work doesn't really interest at first... then there's the singer..... he seems to have some difficulties hitting higher notes correctly.
The Metal Chick said:
If you wanna see a crazy messed up video by the chessiest of cheesy power metal, check out Kingowar's video here:

Just saw this and it's just insane. DragonForce kicks their asses though ;)

That has to be a joke. Everything about it down to the guitar solos comes off as a total Rhapsody parody. I loved it tho :D
I heard the promo version of their album awhile back. At first you are just like "....uuhhh....?.......". But when you start to really hear how precise the fast paced music is you start to overlook cheesiness and find yourself entwined in up tempo goodness. The only thing that was kind of annoying to me was that all the songs sounded so much alike. The one song that sounded quite different ended up being my favorite of them all......I can't remember the name but it had the word "Babylon" in it. I guess they were ok but just not impressive enough for me to fork out cash for.
I thought they were funny as well. It's even more funny to visit their website and check out the videos of them recording in the studio.

I just went over to the site and they have a new album out with a new song to download. It's cool and fast, but, as others have pointed out, it still sounds rather similar to older songs. The tempo is quite insane though. Herman Li should ditch the Whammy pedal and branch out into new territory and Sam Totman is too familiar with fast pick tapping on the fretboard. There is some scary super fast stuff here though.
Alot of fun to listen to, I dig it. I think the whole powermetal scene is a great throwback in style, and is generally friendlier than other metal scenes (TRV BLCK METAL)
Check out their second release "Sonic Firestorm". Damn, they're so fast! And they can do everything live too :)
Julz said:
Recenty I heard a track from a group called DragonForce and the song was called Valley of the Damned. At first I couldn't stop laughing. It was the cheesiest and funniest thing I heard in a long time. I can't work out if their music is serious or a power metal piss take. Anyway, The song has grown on me and I love listening to the track. The hypersonic druming and guitar solos like a kid who just got a Whammy pedal for his birthday. Anyway, a big thumbs up to Dragonforce. :headbang:
I haven't gotten around to buying either albums yet, but have four songs including that and my favorite "Black Winter Night" (which is available for download on their site). I think they are awesome... I've heard both albums kick ass.