Dragonforce - Inhumane Rampage


Good Morning USA!
Nov 7, 2005
Sunderland, U.K.

Music Porn

And I'm going to see them in 9 days!


Fucking YES!!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Dragonforce play happy hardcore techno DANCE music, using guitars instead of keyboards.
In my opinion, they are the worst band I've ever heard - they actually give me a headache with their constant happy smiley joy joy music. I listened to their stuff, gave them a chance, and sorry, it doesn't sound like heavy metal to me.
Stormwatch said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Dragonforce play happy hardcore techno DANCE music, using guitars instead of keyboards.
In my opinion, they are the worst band I've ever heard - they actually give me a headache with their constant happy smiley joy joy music. I listened to their stuff, gave them a chance, and sorry, it doesn't sound like heavy metal to me.

They are silliest band i've eve rheard in my life! And dammit i love them.

I am going to mount Herman Li.
They make me laugh, and I have no problem with them as they don't take themselves too seriously. From what I've heard of the new album there are a few too many weird sounds for my liking. I don't think I could liosten to them for an extended period of time, but they are a good band to drink beers to.
The most impressive thing is that all those sounds where you think to yourself "that must be a keyboard" are all made on guitar.

They are kind of like extreme power rave metal. They make me laugh. I think of them as the music which wasn't used on Legend of Zelda + DB drumming + Porn guitar solos.
To give them their dues, they have single handedly revitalised Power Metal in Britain. It's a shame most people over here listen to only British Indie and American Emo (both good in their own right) but people seem to completely neglect stuff like Dragonforce, and any music that comes from Europe.
^^^ Bright Eyes, emo? What the hell kinda Bright Eyes records do you have?!?!?!
And, concerning Dragonforce, I respect them hugely as musicians. But I don't like power metal, so it's not my thing. Their singer has one of the less irritating Power Metal voices though.
So in short - Good, but I don't like them :)

Edit - I don't mind a lot of emo music, but most of it is just a bunch of whiney little bitches making a noise (see - Aidan).
British indies, though, is the shit!!!
Powers said:
Funeral for a Friends Second album,

I prefer everything up to that - Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation is a masterpiece, and 7 Ways to Scream Your Name is really good too, and quite heavy and technical.
Hours is a good album, but it has this awful lead guitar soud. It's just so shitty. But the songs are pretty good, and Matt Davies vocals are nice.
I prefer less in your face emo sometimes. Jimmy Eat World are good.
WTF I'm very surprised that people listen to emo on an Opeth forum. A DEATH METAL forum dammit! here's the equation:

Death Metal ≠ Emo

Let's be serious here! I hate all kinds of emo, regardless of their whininess or not. Sorry, but there is no way in hell I can find a way to enjoy them.

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist