Dragonforce - Inhumane Rampage

Tubbs Mcgee said:
WTF I'm very surprised that people listen to emo on an Opeth forum. A DEATH METAL forum dammit! here's the equation:

Death Metal ≠ Emo

Let's be serious here! I hate all kinds of emo, regardless of their whininess or not. Sorry, but there is no way in hell I can find a way to enjoy them.

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist

Well Tubbs put it this way. I'll listen to anythiong so long as the people making it are good at what they do. I go from listening to Nile to Frank Sinatra &the Rat Pack with out a problem. Emo's just another genre of music which like all genres of music has ome great artist some shit artist and the 80% inbetween who are mediocre.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Let's be serious here! I hate all kinds of emo, regardless of their whininess or not.

Then why do you hate them? I mean, that is their least appealing factor - otherwise it's excellant musicians, great singers, relatively heavy music that fun to listen to.
Liquid Diamonds said:
And I haven't seen the Dragonforce video! I bet it's hilarious!!!

Its actually not...but it kicks major ass. Theres a scene where Herman and Sam are guitar dueling and they have like a zoom-in camera on the fretboard...excellence. Not to mention the over-exaggerated vibrato bar work :)

It's for Through the Fire and Flames, but for some stupid reason, MTV2 labels it as "Through the Wire".

I find it really funny that the majority of people who dislike Dragonforce are the people who listen to hardcore/emo/emocore. There's one guy at my school who's horribly emo and I started playing some Dragonforce on my guitar and he's like "Omg, is that Dragonforce? They're like the stupidest band ever! The Bled is so much better!"

That, plus in this video you can see a silly emo girl (The Used and Atreyu posters clearly visable on the wall) dancing crazily to Fury of the Storm.

Last time I checked, there aren't any videos of Power Metal fans cutting themselves and sitting in a corner alone while listening to Story of the Year.
That video is fucking incredible! Herman and Sam dueling is one of the funniest things i've seen in a video in ages. The whole thing looks like it was recorded in a wind tunnel or something.

That's what they mean when they say POWER METAL!!!
Kenneth R. said:
don't make me get out my beatdown stick for people who disregard genres as a whole.

Yes, I think I may have to help you with those beatdowns....

Well, actually, I'm not very violent, and any attempt I made at a beatdown would probably end up in me getting my arse kicked thorughly :lol:

But I agree in principle!!!!!