DragonForce to play on Ozzfest's Main Stage!

zedowns said:
Dragonforce isn't enough to get me to go Ozzfest. Not after the bullshit they pulled with Maiden last year ;/
hmmm, that's my first thought, but I'm damn glad for DF. Now I've got a greater interest in seeing what else is up with this fest. We'll see, but DF gives me a little more incentive to even consider this show as a possibility. Kudos to them. :headbang:
Worst news of the month.....
Their sound does not fit well for Ozzfest.
Also, being the first band on the mainstage means no one will be watching.
Bad move.
They would have shined on Gigantour.
Sucks. I was really hoping to see them this summer.
Jasonic said:
Worst news of the month.....
Their sound does not fit well for Ozzfest.
Also, being the first band on the mainstage means no one will be watching.
Bad move.
They would have shined on Gigantour.
Sucks. I was really hoping to see them this summer.
Yea, early slots mean empty seats. Saw Nevermore play to nobody last year on Gigantour.....and fucking kick ass! Bands on second stage had that fuller, crazier fan support because of the set up. It's a fine line.
Well, the price isn't so bad for me as the lineup. I'd only go if Ozzy was headlining as opposed to Sabbath, who I've 'been there, done that.'
Jasonic said:
Worst news of the month.....
Their sound does not fit well for Ozzfest.

I don't know-- it seems they have a 'young' following-- also-- I did notice more than one Dragonforce shirt/hoodie at the recent Red Chord/Shai Hulud/Acacia Strain show-- which is NOT a power metal crowd for sure. There is some crossover.
DF isn't enough. Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu (they're... fun I guess), Lacuna Coil (never seen them live), Disturbed, and System of a Down... together with Dragonforce is. Only if they come near Atlanta. Which they aren't. So now I'm pissed.
I'm considering attending Ozzfest, there's some good 4 bands that I'd wanna see, Dragonforce being the main one.

I'm happy and pissed at the same time. It's one of those thoughts "But... they're OUR band, not THEIR band".

Fuck, I'm a fan since they were on mp3.com under the name of Dragonheart. Still not ready to see them "making it" big.
It won't do much for their career.
Last year, I was literally one of 100 people (at most) who watched In Flames kick off the main stage. Almost every band who has kicked off the main stage at Ozzfest has complained about this (They start the main stage like seconds after the 2nd stage ends).
Not worth it to see them play 5 songs.
If they were added to the line-ups of the previous couple years, then maybe.
Bad move for Dragonforce. For the most part, the WRONG people will be at the show. Not many (some, but not many) true metalheads go to Ozzfest. The price is too high to see 2 bands that I really want to see. And I HATE ampitheater venues. Unless you're in the pit, the view is horrendous.

The points already made about no one seeing the first main stage band is true. I went to Ozzfest a few years ago, and literally began walking to the main stage the moment Down had finished the second stage, and when I got there, Black Label Society had already played. It was ridiculously stupid. I didn't understand that.

A totally wrong move for DF, in part because more of their true fans would be at Gigantour or even Sounds of the Underground. Sharon must have offered them more money, in which I wouldn't blame them. They'll also end up on the Ozzfest compilation CDs, which would be good. But for real live exposure, I think they're gonna come up short, and probably disappointed with the experience. Oh well.
Someone told me this news last night, and of course I was skeptical to a random IM. So I wandered to the Ozzfest site to see Avenged Sevenfold and DRAGONFORCE added to the main stage. Now, since they have been pulling the "mystery band" scenario we have always thought (hoped) it would be Avenged. So that was great to see. But THEN seeing DRAGONFORCE? Pants compleeeetely soiled. haha! I usually end up going to Ozzfest, and Dragonforce seals the deal for 06. It doesn't even matter that they will probably play 3 songs; This is going to be fucking HUGE.

One tidbit that confuses me is the constant rocking back and forth of Ozzy's headlining shows. First they said Virginia Beach. THEN Bristow VA (our date). Now back to VA Beach? I guess at this point it doesn't matter, but I wish they would stop going back and forth with this one. I was really hoping to catch Ozzy and Zakk together on one of the dates (Hoping he doesn't sound nearly as horrible as he has the past 5 years). Cheers!
After what I saw of DF in Cleveland... I'M SOOOO THERE!!!

I don't care who my money goes to. If I get a good show, it's worth it. The only band I cared to see was Disturbed. So I wasn't going to go. Now that DF & A7X are on the bill (I like A7X - sue me), I'm totally there. I also like the whole day adventure that is Ozzfest. Not to mention the eye candy is nice.