Off Topic - Ozzfest's Maiden Fiasco

Now I will repeat what I said even louder
Sharon is a fucking whore.. Who the fuck does that kinda shit?
Her and her fucking daughter deserve absolutely NO RESPECT whatsoever.. and I'm not the biggest Iron Maiden fan!
wwwwhere is the guy that was supporting this?

You know, even though Sharon needs to thank Maiden for saving Crapfest this year(lets just see how the numbers go with Velver Revolver headlining) she REALLY needs to thank them for not leaving mid-show and thus snowballing the events into a mass riot.

She can hate bruce all she wants, but these acts were very irresponsible ,you just do NOT incite a mass of 40,000 to go into a frenzy.

Remember the GnR/Metallica riots?

She should be glad Maiden toughed it out or else she would be in deep shit right about now.
It all still boils down to some bitch not handling things in a professional manner. Bruce was a problem for 20 shows? Then why, as the head of MTVfes..I mean Ozfest let it go that far. Address the problem, pull them off the tour if need be. It's not like there won't be a shortage of flavor-of-the-month bands to add to the bill (although they do book the good band occasionally, especially the early years of the fest).

She wants to act like its a business and pretend she's the man, then be the man, act professional and handle it, be the better person. But no, she had to be 12 and be a bitch & a bratt. Unprofessional is all that it sums up to be.

If Bruce has an ego problem then maybe he needs a wake up call as well. You can't claim to be all about the fans and ignore most of their states on your tours. When was the last time Maiden played Florida? Somewhere in Time I believe. Cancelled shows after cancelled shows until they just stopped putting Florida and some other states on the tour.

Am I a Maiden fan? Yes I am. But I still have the right to be pissed at never being able to see them live because they never schedule a show in Florida. When they have since the 80s, they've cancelled it.

Will there be hell to pay for Sharon. Nope, not one little bit. No band would turn down the chance to tour in front of those numbers if offered. If they did, I'd be surprised. I wouldn't.

On the other side, thank god there's Gigantour. I missed it and regret it, but Gigantour seems to be the answer to Ozfest, and hopefully other acts will band together to do similar outings.
Gigantour is a hell of a package, but then again it's run like SHIT. It's very poorly managed and run... They dont respect set times, Mustaine's management changes by the day... awful!

It's a shame that Gigantour has been getting shitty crowd numbers though... =\
IRON MAIDEN frontman BRUCE DICKINSON fan site ( has been updated with the following:

“As fans of Iron Maiden (and music in general) most of us were appalled at the actions of Sharon Osbourne at the August 20th Ozzfest. Therefore, we started a website with a goal of having an Open Letter to Sharon Osbourne printed in Billboard Magazine - a magazine read by nearly every artist, label, radio station and record store around the world.

In addition to the ad, we are trying to increase the awareness of the Clive Burr MS Trust.

The website's address is:

So far we've gotten donations from Japan, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Portugal, The U.S., Scotland and Australia. We're more than 1/3 of the way to buying the ad but we need more help. Even a donation of only a dollar can make the difference (although the favorite amount seems to be $6.66!)”

Ruthven said:
You know, I really hope that Sharon is telling the truth, because she is claiming that the eggs were tossed by Ozzy's "devoted fans." Frankly, if she is behind the incident, it will plumb new depths - not only because the act itself was deplorable, but to turn around and claim that your husband's fans were the guilty party...sheesh.

Yah because fans can readily buy eggs at Ozfest fromt he Egg vendor. Or smuggle them in..
