Boycott the Osbournes

Yngvai X said:
The one thing I dislike about genres is when it gets to the point of stereotyping. For example, someone who thinks every powermetal band sounds like rhapsody might never think to give Rage a chance, even though Rage is very very far removed from how Rhapsody sounds.

True I agree. Same thing with those who think death metal only sounds like cannibal corpse and not ever give a band like Necrophagist a chance who are also way different then Cannibal Corpse or someone who thinks all black sounds like Dimmu Borgir but will never give a band like Judas Iscariot a chance who also sounds different from Dimmu. No genre of actual metal in my opinion has bands that all sound the same. Every genre metal of metal has it's handfull of goodbands and handful of not soo good bands.
I still haven't seen a good example of a band that can't be described generally with a genre description. Rage are speed metal, a combination of the speed and aggressiveness of thrash with the melodies of heavy metal, and they fit quite well into that niche. Dimmu Borgir are hardly black metal, and haven't been in quite a while. Describing a band's sound is still the best way to tell someone about them, but I don't understand what aversion you have to genres.

I'll trust what I hear in Shadows Fall's music before I trust what some dumb magazine has to say about them. The music "thrashing" or being "thrashy" doesn't necessarily equate to "thrash metal." I'm not denying that Shadows Fall don't have some thrash influences, but that doesn't make them instant thrash metal. One thing I will point out, is......where are the headlining Europeans tours if they are the saviours of thrash metal? I've seen this metalcore thing as strictly an American thing, and so metalcore bands get tacked on at the last minute to tours, like the Kreator/SYL/Cryptopsy/anyone tour this year. Just compare the lineups of thrash/whatever tours on other continents to the ones in the US, they're really quite different. Were any metalcore bands on the Kreator tour in the US two years ago? No. Were they on the Strapping Young Lad tour a couple of years ago? No. Are Kreator begging Shadows Fall to do a dual headlining tour with Kreator? Hmm...? Then I'll let the real thrash masters speak for themselves.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I still haven't seen a good example of a band that can't be described generally with a genre description.

:cool: What would you call Pain of Salvation?? They cross genre boundaries in the same verse!!

My main problem with genres is that even if the "definitions" (whoever makes THOSE up) were agreed upon, which will never happen, then who to put into those would NEVER be agreed upon. I think genres are like everything else in this world - We people take some kind of comfort in having everything around us in a neat, tidy, pidgeonhole; whether it be music, religion or other people. Why?? I dunno.

My $0.02 (won't but you much gas these days, will it??).

Chris :rock:
Does Sharon Osbourne usually go out onstage during Ozzfest? If so I think we need to make a new Ozzfest tradition of throwing eggs at her!

Ticket to Ozzfest: $100+
A dozen eggs: less than $1
Giving Sharon Osbourne a taste of her own medicine: Priceless

(BTW sorry if a similar idea was already posted, I only started reading this thread from page 2)