DREAM EVIL- Singer & Bassist Depart Band


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Dear followers,

Because of personal issues and the fact that Niklas has problems with constantly recurring health problems we have taken the painful decision to leave the band.
All our friends are telling us that it’s a bad idea to leave the band now when it’s starting to get big, but you may come to a point in your life where you have to make a choice.

We have now come to this point in our lives and the choice we have made is to put more time into our families and work.
We’ve known for a long time that the bigger Dream Evil becomes the more time it will take from the other important things in our lives and in time it was inevitable to make a decision.
Therefore we have decided to leave Dream Evil.

There are no hard feelings between us and the other guys in Dream Evil, We’re still the best of friends and they totally understand the position we are in.

So it is with the best confidence we now pass over the mantle to the new members Jake E Berg and Tommy Larsson. They have our blessings and we are confident they will fill our shoes just perfectly and leave nothing for the fans to be desired.

We wish to thank all fans for the support through the years and for making the time in Dream Evil a memory for life.

Stay Evil In The Night
Peter and Niklas

Damn!!!! First Gus G, and now this. With all due respect to Nordstrom and Shaw this is a good time to put the project to sleep.
I love the band and considered them a huge monster on the rise, but now...:erk:
oh man!! dream evil is fuckin amazing...and man gus' guitar lines were just awesome...he left and before they can do anything niklas and peter go!! as much as i dont want to see DE end, i think that maybe they should (depending on how their next album is). if its just nothing compared to DE, id love to hear snowy go to form a new band, cos hes awesome.

damn!! :headbang:
So what he is saying is... they accidently got big and now they can't deal with it?
Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't this kinda what you are hoping for when you start a metal band? Well my heart bleeds for them and their families, I greatly regret buying their albums and thus contributing to their fame, may I burn in hell...
I'm probably in minority on that here, but that's amost "good" news for them in my opinion as I thought the singer was the weak spot of the band.
sixxswine said:
I disgaree, the lyrics were the weak link in this band...

The lyrics are unimportant, the music is great and sung with passion, they could sing in Swedish, Swagili or Japanese for which I care.
sixxswine said:
You were thinking the same thing, I just said it...:tickled:

Kinda. I mainly just liked your post. :lol: We all now know where you stand on this band. :)

I think each release got a bit weaker than the last one but I still liked them. However, if that many members are leaving they should just give it up... call it a day.