Dream Evil


Real Man
Nov 19, 2002
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I don't recall reading anything about this band here, so I'll go ahead and write this.
Does anyone else like Dream Evil? They're of course not at all prog, but for those who like good, fun, melodic metal, with a decent amount of power and heaviness, I think that they're a great band. They have a bit of 80's metal (the good stuff, not top 40 metal like Poison and all that), with more recent power metal mixed in. There are some similarities to bands like HammerFall, but overall they're not like a copy of HammerFall.

Just wondering if anyone else liked them.

Hey, I think this is the second thread that I've actually started on my own. Wow. :Smug:
Y'know, I've been meaning to check them out. Problem is, I've seen mixed reviews about them; some people say they're great, other people dislike them.

I'm still going to check 'em out, though. Eventually.
Hahaha! Very interesting opinion, Kate. And I understand why people who don't like them don't like them.
I'm assuming that you don't like Freedom Call, Rhapsody, etc., either. (Just a hunch.);)

Musically, there are definitely similarities to HammerFall, but not with Manowar. Not quite as much sword and dragon as HammerFall, at least on Dream Evil's second release, but if you like HammerFall, you'll probably like Dream Evil. If you don't like HammerFall, you probably won't like Dream Evil.

Admittedly not too original, but they do the melodic, upbeat, power metal thing very well.

Definitely not for angry people.
I just love them! :grin:
I've got both of their cd's, and I think the second one is slightly better. At least they've skipped all that "thunder", "lightning", "dragon" etc. stuff, their new songs aren't all only about those.
It's music for ppl with a great taste of humour!
Hyoukinmono said:
Hahaha! Very interesting opinion, Kate. And I understand why people who don't like them don't like them.
I'm assuming that you don't like Freedom Call, Rhapsody, etc., either. (Just a hunch.);)
I like Rhapsody's music a bit, but their general ridiculousness mean that I am hardly ever able to listen to them.
I'm okay with the dragons and swords and elves and whatever (though I've never been into fantasy literature, role playing games, or any of that), but I do wish that they had picked somebody else to do the spoken narration parts. The should at least find out who Blind Guardian used for "Nightfall in Middle Earth." Even though I'm a big Rhapsody fan, I cringe whenever the narration comes on.
I like fantasy literature and I like Blind Guardian, who are not cheesy at all (except for A Night At The Opera). Dream Evil, Hammerfall and Rhapsody are just too cliche and cheesy in their lyrics.