Dream Theater drum-only samples of new album available

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So.. the Mike Portnoy forum seems to have an annual 'Xmas present download'. I've never been able to register there, account never gets activated :/

Anyway I finally found where they put the download link. This year its drum-only tracks off the new album. Not mixed, just the overheads or the camera. BUT its interesting nonetheless, I know a lot of people here are fans, and if not you can see the drum mics used, etc. for when the album comes out.


Link is up the top of the page. Will only be up for another 5 hours or so at the time of me posting.
THANK YOU! (Morgoe and Let it burn)

edit: hey guys i just watched it, great drumming as usual no surprise there but mike looks like a badass wizard or some shit with those grey streaks in his hair. it looks like his kit went on a diet too!
I didn't see anything ground breaking...but it does look like he's still keeping some classic rock influence in with that smaller set. I know sometimes for fun he'll track with a smaller kit, which is fine, but sometimes it just doesn't quite fit.

Hopefully this won't be another Constant Motion. I realize it's a fool's hope to hope for another Awake or 6DoIT.
Not sure about the above link.. the guys on the forum are pretty strict about 'once its midnight, no more downloads, no sharing, etc.'

Anyway, he does play very tight. Glad to see he's improved his double bass.. I saw the drum-only track of him doing Dark Eternal Night on YouTube, and the tracks were before edits. The fast double bass bit there was horrendous.
Not sure about the above link.. the guys on the forum are pretty strict about 'once its midnight, no more downloads, no sharing, etc.'

Anyway, he does play very tight. Glad to see he's improved his double bass.. I saw the drum-only track of him doing Dark Eternal Night on YouTube, and the tracks were before edits. The fast double bass bit there was horrendous.

yeah i know, i'm pulling it down this sunday so get it while its hot