Dream Theater overkill?


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Latest press release: DREAM THEATER’s upcoming live retrospective, Live At Budokan, will be released on October 5th through EastWest. It will be available as both 2 DVD and 3 CD set.

Is anyone else overwhelmed and unimpressed at the frequency of live material that we are bombarded with?

I have been a fan since When Dream And Day Unite, and I have supported the band, their myriad of side projects, etc., etc. But damn!...another live album?

The funny thing is...I'll probably buy both the DVD and CD without giving it a 2nd thought...and will probably enjoy the shit out of both of them.

For those that don't know...Dream Theater is one of those few bands that can actually play every single song in their catalog at any given time. Throughout their various tours, they are constantly changing their setlist nightly...and drastically...therefore it makes each show unique. Given the complexity of their music...that makes their ability even more impressive.

I have seen them live countless times and they are absolutely killer. Due to the complexity of the music, they are not the most dynamic and spontaneous band in a live setting, but they always manage to throw in little surprises and maintain an awesome energy level.

Anyway...at this point...I don't know if I'm bitching or promoting the band...but my original thought still remains...

Damn! Another live album?

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Rock on!
The problem with Dream Theater is that their albums are good but they have some kind of fascination with releasing too much live stuff. Now I love live albums BUT they make them into HUGELY extended versions that only die hard prog fans will enjoy therefore alienating ALOT of us.
Well considering how hard it is to see them live in South FLorida and see them live as AN EVENING WITH DT, I don't mind the Live stuff - especially from the last tour.

They also keep turning out the new studio CDs so that's just fine with me. If they used the Live Cd as a 'filler' for a new studio CD, I'd have a problem.

Hell, that medley they do on disc two of the Live in NY set is one of the best things I've heard them do live.

Keep it up.
I love it all and considering myself a 'collector' of sorts of their material, make being a DT fan both rewarding and expensive. I never will have ALL their stuff due to the vast number of boots also available. But I'm sure one day the overkill will seem like a good thing as all good things come to an end. THere are plenty of bands that I like that I wish had more material so I enjoy it for what it is.
ashaman7122 said:
For those that don't know...Dream Theater is one of those few bands that can actually play every single song in their catalog at any given time. Throughout their various tours, they are constantly changing their setlist nightly...and drastically...therefore it makes each show unique. Given the complexity of their music...that makes their ability even more impressive.
This wasn't always the case; back in "the old days" they played virtually the same setlist, night after night. But DT -- especially Mike Portnoy -- has always been sensitive to fan input, and after some fans complained that the setlist was too static, they began changing their setlists up more and more. Which, IMHO, was a great change.

To his credit, Mike also made an effort, from the beginning, to ensure that if DT played a certain city twice, the second show would include some different material from the first show.

As for extended jams and different versions and such (like the "train wreck" edition of "Pull Me Under" they started playing during one tour)....bring 'em on! Spontaneity and variety is fun! That jam at the end of "To Live Forever" (on the old live video) is still one of my faves.
dargormudshark said:
Hopefull LaBrie will stop sucking live. I will but the dvd though.
Where have you been? Labrie has "stopped sucking live years ago (at least 5). Get a boot from Images and Words or even Awake, and get one from the last 5 years or so; it is day and night!
We can never have enough DT. Never.

I'm thinking besides the fact they wanted to document the current tour, this may fulfill their obligation to the record label which would mean they can now seek a better deal (probably still with Elektra or whatever the company is now).
tenebre said:
I think every band should release a live DVD for each tour....

I agree with the statement above wholeheartedly.

I probably will buy the DVD just to see Portnoy & Petrucci live, as well as the Train Of Thought material actually re-interesting me in DT after some lackluster years.

Now all we need is a Symphony X DVD out, so we all can have a live viewing of a concert with a REAL MAN belting it out live.

Russell Allen= :rock: :kickass:
nightwish58 said:
Where have you been? Labrie has "stopped sucking live years ago (at least 5). Get a boot from Images and Words or even Awake, and get one from the last 5 years or so; it is day and night!

I guess James LaBrie sucking live is a subjective statement in itself, as myself personally I am not a very big fan of his vocals. So for me, he consistently sucks live (although he does have a couple moments here and there when I find it decent).

After years of listening to that style, I find the ultra high-end vocal range a bit trying at times, rather preffering singers with a more textured, gritty and emotive style, such as Jorne Lande, Roy Khan, Russell Allen, Tom Englund, etc. The list could go on...
Walter_Langkowski said:
I agree with the statement above wholeheartedly.

I probably will buy the DVD just to see Portnoy & Petrucci live, as well as the Train Of Thought material actually re-interesting me in DT after some lackluster years.

Now all we need is a Symphony X DVD out, so we all can have a live viewing of a concert with a REAL MAN belting it out live.

Russell Allen= :rock: :kickass:

I agree that Symphony X needs a live DVD.
However, although I prefer Russell Allen's vocals over LaBrie's as I have a lower register range as well, I definitely think LaBrie is still of the highest rank in his vocal category.
I guess you missed a little album called "Change Of Seasons" where he did that Medley of classics and pulled off a series of different vocalists without a hitch.
The guy can sing anything.. I wish I could do that.
LaBrie sucks live?
I don't think so.

nightwish58 said:
Where have you been? Labrie has "stopped sucking live years ago (at least 5). Get a boot from Images and Words or even Awake, and get one from the last 5 years or so; it is day and night!

Really, I have seen them twice in the past 5 years. The last time I saw them he screwed up on the very first line of the tour
eboles said:
I agree that Symphony X needs a live DVD.
However, although I prefer Russell Allen's vocals over LaBrie's as I have a lower register range as well, I definitely think LaBrie is still of the highest rank in his vocal category.
I guess you missed a little album called "Change Of Seasons" where he did that Medley of classics and pulled off a series of different vocalists without a hitch.
The guy can sing anything.. I wish I could do that.
LaBrie sucks live?
I don't think so.


Just in case you missed it before...

I guess James LaBrie sucking live is a subjective statement in itself, as myself personally I am not a very big fan of his vocals. So for me, he consistently sucks live (although he does have a couple moments here and there when I find it decent).

After years of listening to that style, I find the ultra high-end vocal range a bit trying at times, rather preffering singers with a more textured, gritty and emotive style, such as Jorne Lande, Roy Khan, Russell Allen, Tom Englund, etc. The list could go on...