dream theater sucks!?

I was just thinking ( not something that happens alot) that there will always be some band in metal that must play this crazy pointless prog stuff that dream theater specializes in, I guess in the end, the musicianmanship of DT, in their crazy needless solos etc. somehow helps other bands strive to play more technical and a little crazier. Although I am not of fan of their noise, I can at least appreciate it.
Next DT album, they need one disc of songs, and one disc of the crap they fill all their songs with. Havent heard their new stuff, but i understand they have 2 discs of music.
Originally posted by Demonspell
I love Dream Theater, but I'll admit people tend to overrate them, they are far from the be all end all of progressive metal, and highly pretentious (of course, as a prog fan that isn't meant strictly as a criticism) and not the most adventurous band in the genre...

I agree 100%!
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
I agree 100%!

I'll second that (all except for the part about loving DT, heeheh).

I think that many fans here will come to outgrow them in a few years, and probably even sooner. It happens a lot. Almost everyone who likes prog was once in to them, even me I'm embarassed to say, but eventually they start to grind on one's nerves with their cheesy, whiney, pretentious, and yes, FAKE bullshit.


"...but eventually they start to grind on one's nerves with their cheesy, whiney, pretentious, and yes, FAKE bullshit."

~ Speak for yourself, not for me or for others. Hmm, your remark is much like the pro-religious remarks that you so despise.
Originally posted by JesusChristPose
"...but eventually they start to grind on one's nerves with their cheesy, whiney, pretentious, and yes, FAKE bullshit."

~ Speak for yourself, not for me or for others. Hmm, your remark is much like the pro-religious remarks that you so despise.


just because you dont like the fact they USE their talent and their ability to play well in their songs, doesnt mean their pretentious and have a "were better than you" attitude

as for cheesy and whiney, thats just james's voice, at first it sounds like crap, but it grows on you, i happen to like him alot as a singer now

and fake? whats fake about dt?
I personally think Dream Theater is an amazing band. I absolutely love their music and don't think there will be any other band with such great musicians again. From their drummer Mike Portnoy to the bassist Myung, they are doing a great job.

If you try to give them another chance and listen to them without any prejudices you might like them as well. I know lots of DT fans that dig Opeth.

NP: Dream Theater - Images & Words