dream theater sucks!?

Whoa! Controversial thread!

I'm not a fan either, but I have listened to their stuff to attempt to be open minded. I have to say, they do have a great abundance of skill, regardless of the fact that LeBrie sounds like he's sucking on helium.

Pomp american attitude? Could be. I personally never met them (psst, by the way one of them is Canadian) I never understood why us Americans are generally labelled pompous, but then again, it's all I've ever known, so perhaps I'm pompous too by others standards. Oh well, I can live with it. Argggh! I'm being pompous again! Hehe.

As for the comparision between differing progressive bands, the term "progressive" makes it a rather large musical grouping. I suspect that you compare DT to bands that they really have very little in common with. So, it's like trying to compare, say, Godsmack with Black Sabbath. Even though you could theoretically call both metal, they differ so much within that category that it's unfair to say one is better than another.

In general music is all a matter of taste. So like what you like, dislike what you dislike, and let us do the same. Enjoy your exciting new music my European friends (no, I'm not mistaking it for a country either) I'll try my best to give it an honest listen too also.
meshuggah makes a hard-edge metal with weird tempos , technical riffs & blasting music. This is a reason why is a technical metal.
dimensionidol: your mother sucks ;)

I don't like DT too much - I prefer Meshuggah, Tool (if we're in rock) and Cephalic Carnage
but I can't say they suck... they're damn good, though I don't like'em too much
This is great, by far the most real post I've ever seen on the internet. It has a hermeneutical quality to it that rivals the bible. Wait no, maybe it's just ambiguity. Nevermind. Arguing over taste is a little pointless, and if not pointless, than fruitless. Most of the "technical metal" stuff I'm not really that impressed by because what is the standard of technical proficiency they claim to meet? To be super-controversial here, (don't really care what some damn 14-year old in Wisconsin thinks about me), I think the Cynic guys -for example- were really just shitting themselves in their whole "technical image". (But as an adenda, Roger Pattison was good with overall composition.) As far as Dream Theater, can't really say much about them...but I'd jack/steal that drummer's kit anyday.
Miguel Suerte said:
(But as an adenda, Roger Pattison was good with overall composition.) As far as Dream Theater, can't really say much about them...but I'd jack/steal that drummer's kit anyday.

As a quick addendum: I presume you mean Roger Patterson, the Atheist bass player?

As far as Dream Theater are concerned, I love their debut and don't care much for the rest. There's nothing progressive about taking in all manner of "prog rock" influences (which at the time were 10 to 15 years old already), in fact I've called them regressive ever since Images And Words. LaBrie's voice doesn't help much, either, but even though I can't deny their musicianship, I prefer to listen to bands that come up with something new and don't lose themselves in endless instrumental doodles, very much akin to all those "prog" bands of 30 years ago now... I'll take Necrophagist over that any day!
NeverMarty said:
As a quick addendum: I presume you mean Roger Patterson, the Atheist bass player?

Whoops! Good looking. Yes, I meant Roger Patterson, killed in '91 by in some bus accident they had in Arizona, bassist of Atheist. Although the previous comment I had also applied to Cynic to. Damn dyslexia...
i wanna say something!!!

Steve plays bass in american and european bands and kick ass with his fretless anywhere

the land where you live or you came from can change the way to compose or play music, but doesn't means quality. the quality came from the people who plays and create music. in all the world there are people with brain, talent, feeling and creativity, don't discrminate american people if you don't wanna be discriminated.