dream theater sucks!?

What do you mean dream theater sucks?Their music is for open minded people.Grow up and then you will understand their songs.
And about the bands you mentioned,they are not 'pure' prog bands...
I like Borknagar a lot though...
Originally posted by JAH
Are you sure? :wave:

No. When I meant Europe. I didn't mean a country . I meant the whole fricken thing. That's why I put it there. I think American metal is better musically. My opinion . Just sounds more realistic to me and I can relate to it cause thats where I'm from. As for Dream Theater VS Meshugah. Doesn't really matter that much to me cause the bands aren't that amazing to debate over. There are some bands that I do like over there. (NP) :}

dude there is more to european metal than hammerfall and blind gaurdian i can fucking assure you. you were describing cheesy powermetal in your other post. that is a very small portion of the metal coming out of europe. ever heard of in flames? at the gates? children of bodom? arch enemy? or tons of other bands that are completely the opposite of what you described? european metal KILLS american metal as a general rule (imo of course). there are a few american bands that i really love though. nevermore, death, etc. but most of my favorites are from sweeden and finland.
Geez... My daddy will beat up your daddy...

Lots of cool music everywhere to argue who has better music than whom....

Personally, I like lots of stuff from Europe AND America.
Originally posted by xenophobe
Geez... My daddy will beat up your daddy...

Lots of cool music everywhere to argue who has better music than whom....

Personally, I like lots of stuff from Europe AND America.
i wasnt trying to put american metal down at all when i said that. i was just trying to point out that not all eurpoean metal is cheesy bullshit about castles and faries and stuff. AND there's just as many american bands that play that style anyway. he was bagging on europe as a whole, and thats just bullshit.
Originally posted by neal

i wasnt trying to put american metal down at all when i said that. i was just trying to point out that not all eurpoean metal is cheesy bullshit about castles and faries and stuff. AND there's just as many american bands that play that style anyway. he was bagging on europe as a whole, and thats just bullshit.

Okay, very good. It sounded like it to me. I just think it's rather silly when you compare who's got what to offer.

Many bands you'd never know if they were European or American by listening to them or seeing them live.

Good music is just good music. Plenty of it everywhere.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
If he was stupid enough to bash europe as a whole are you not more stupid to argue with him?
no. YOU'RE more stupid for not seeing i was simply standing up for europe, not bashing anyone at all.

Personally I'm not so big fan of DT, I just accidentally like some of their songs like Pull Me Under, Under A Glass Moon...

USA has Iced Earth (which is right after Iron Maiden on my fav. list), Europe has rest of my favorite bands... So, I'm not standing in any side. :)

About that monkeyface...the guy on pic is legend already! :lol:
Yeah, all this "this band is better than that band" and so on is getting a tad stale. I like Dream Theater a lot, but I haven't heard enough Messugha to form an opinion, yet.

It's all about musical diversity......I'll listen to Dream Theater, Nile, Iron Maiden, Dimmu Borgir, Control Denied, Emperor......whatever. The only metal I don't really care for is the rappy bullshit. Diversity is what it's all about for me.
you're right man
this is thruth.... there's no best musician, there is the one you like the most............. you can apply that to instruments, sports, food and..........

Dream theater have really good musicians, it's not my favorite band but they're good.
For me Meshuggah it's technical oriented metal like the first 4 Megadeth albums, meanwhile Dream Theater is progressive metal (Man's thinking metal !!!). Now between the eternal:confused: battle between USA vs. Europe , although USA have many good bands , my choice is for Europe (UK !!!) because there is where metal is come from.