Dream Theater ''Octavium''

Bear said:
I am going to have to call bullshit on getting Octavarium early. Its friggen James Labries solo cd, you've been had.


I've been thinking the same thing from the start of the thread. As far as Elements of Persuasion goes, I'm not that big a fan of the modern hard rock sound he's aiming for (and yes, the one with the scratching does annoy me), but it has some cool tracks like Invisible and Freak. Have to listen to it more.
sh0kr0k said:
You guys are hilarious!

I love Elements of Persuasion and think it's a great addition to my music collection! I was very happy that they played it between sets at ChicagoPowerFest. I rocked out to it for the whole drive home!

I agree that it has elements of metal included, but it isn't just a metal disc. It's also not a prog disc or a nu-metal disc. I didn't care for the scratching at first, but it's not like a few scratches on one song will ruin a whole disc for me! Sheesh! Besides, the song with the scratches, "Alone", isn't the typical type of song that would use them. I think it's very creative that he was able to work scratches into a song on a heavy rock album!!

All in all, this is one of my favorite albums to have come out so far this year!

Bear, you crack me up!

~Tammy Z~

Cool :wave: I also agree with your sentiments I was just being an ass last night... :loco: It doesn have all of everything in it, but it is HEAVY and thats what I like about it.

Ok off to Soilwork and Dark Trankquility

TheWhisper said:
It's metal...it's not metal ...it's hard rock...who gives a fuck! It is a good rock n roll record, metal...hard rock...or otherwise.

"Heavy metal, hard-core, punk, pop, or thrash
You can call it anything, it don't matter to me
Call it what you want
It's all music to me"


A sentiment I generally go by, except when a specific music style is a integral part of a subculture.
Just got back from the JLB show in Poughkeepsie, NY. Great show, they played about 2 hours of material from both Elements of Persuasion and Mullmuzzler. Everyone performed great, but their bassist Andy impressed me the most. Real cool guy too. Marco was also very impressive on guitars. :worship:
Its all gone pretty quiet from STOINK!!!!!!....reckon he realises he's been duped!!, which is pretty sad for an editor of an online Metal site, he should know better really!!.
Here's an even easier way to tell.....if Spoink comes back.

Does the cover look anything like this? You have been duped if it does......thought the fake cover was pretty funny in its absurdity anyway.....

Just don't assume that's exactly what it's going to look like until you actually get the album. Not that the whole image will be different, but I think it will look a little cleaner.

Read Mike Portnoy's comments.

Mike Portnoy said:
Of course, as always, I was hesitant to post this - but I decided I'd rather *us* unveil it than some underground website from Greece or Poland (like how Train Of Thought was unveiled)

Let me just say you are only getting a taste of what the artwork and layout has in store for you.

I worked very closely for several weeks with the great Hugh Syme and think the end result of the packaging is the best we've had for any of our albums in the past.

I already see so many of you being critical, and that's to be expected, but you know the old cliched expression: "Don't judge a book by it's cover...."
(although in this case, I personally dig it....)

Can't wait for you to hear what's inside of it!

Yeah.....it seems like that part might not be done yet.....like the black bar is where some kind of elaborate logo is going to be but they haven't finished it yet.
Pellaz said:
stoink - v.i. - to be fooled by a fake early online release of an album.
Ex. "I was really stoinked by that fake RAR file of Train of Thought."
Ha Ha... :Spin:
"You've been stoinked..."
"He pulled a stoink..."
...the possibilities are endless.