Dream Theater VIP = Rip Off

BUT...how can you fault a band for wanting financial security for themselves and their families.

You *can't* fault them for that. But at the same time, if a band wants to charge fans $300 for a "VIP experience", I think they have a responsibility to work with a provider that will make sure it truly is a first-class experience.

From the previous comments posted on this thread, it sounds like that is NOT the case for DT.
I always thought that the band was put up to this idea by Atlantic Records and that they would stop doing it when their contract was up. Though I've never stuck around after a show to meet them, I've always heard that they're accessible to the fans. I, for one, appreciate the effort that they have put into the visuals for their live shows over the past eight years. However, I also believe that the prices of these VIP packages are rather exorbitant. I would think that they could still make some decent bank if they made the packages, say, half the price. All of this said, I can't wait to see them in Chicago, even if I didn't get the best seats in the house. It's going to be worth it to see the look on Orbweaver's face when she sees the greatest band in the world doing what they do best.

Stay metal. Never rust.
DT's Roadrunner contract specifically and glaringly spells out,they (and most other prog/metal bands) aren't legally required to play anywhere in the state of Florida. As a matter of fact, it's been stipulated they are legally bound NOT to come within 1000 miles of Tampa! But I think Darling Cruel will be in your part of town next week... ;-)
DT's Roadrunner contract specifically and glaringly spells out,they (and most other prog/metal bands) aren't legally required to play anywhere in the state of Florida. As a matter of fact, it's been stipulated they are legally bound NOT to come within 1000 miles of Tampa! But I think Darling Cruel will be in your part of town next week... ;-)

Its all fun and all for you because YOU GET 3 SHOWS PER TOUR for you
Did you ever think that I'm speaking FOE EVERYFUCKING ONE in the southeast whom continually get fucked!!!!!!!

Seriously,if your not going to add anything of intellect to this situation just shut up.
Its all fun and all for you because YOU GET 3 SHOWS PER TOUR for you
Did you ever think that I'm speaking FOE EVERYFUCKING ONE in the southeast whom continually get fucked!!!!!!!

Seriously,if your not going to add anything of intellect to this situation just shut up.
I guess I picked a bad time to stop sniffing glue

Yep, I think you did. :heh:

I've gotten so used to bands skipping the Southeast, or only coming as far south as Ground Zero in Spartanburg or Jaxx in VA, that I just roll my eyes and think "Oh, well, I save some money on tickets and gas, at least....."
You know, I was thinking about the South East's lack of shows during the summer season. I wonder if it has anything to do with Hurricane Season? Logistically, I'd bet it would astronomically expensive (mainly for insurance reasons) to plan tour dates in areas of that region during Hurricane Season. Just a thought.
Gigantour goes through during the heart of Hurricane season every year,as does Ozzfest.

And this is year round,and there IS no satisfactory explanation 'Nobody can tell me we can't suuport metal here,Dream Theater always played 3 shows down here per tour,and usually they planned a family day around Orlando with a day off before or after.
I don't get it either Chris. Somebody needs to step up as a promoter in this area and get some damn bands down here. The last time I think they did the three dates in Florida as headliner was the SFAM tour. I was at two of those shows and they were sold out. (Orlando and Pompano Beach) I missed the Tampa show and I live here?:erk: Every time since then they have been support for somebody...Satch, Queensryche, Megadeth(Gigantour, co-headliner). I was at those shows as well and they looked pretty full too. So what the hell gives? I'm really getting pissed off at this point. :mad:
Damn, I didn't realize! That truly sucks for you guys. :( Is this a Florida specific thing, or does this problem cover a much larger area?

Maybe starting a petition from the fans that would be forwarded to both the band's management and their label would be in order. I remember seeing a site that you can set something up online for people to electronically sign. If you want, I'll see if I can track down the link for you and see how much of a pain in the ass it would be.
Its mostly Fla,but most tours usually look something like this

Band starts out in Norheast,gets as far a Jax,hits Midwest,then maybe Texas,then Cali(or reverse)

The entire southeast is always fucked
And I'm tired of a few blowhards telling me to STFU when I bitch whenever yet another tour bypasses an entire area of the country(and these people are in cities that get those tours)

I can concieveably try to get a run out to a city where a toyr is,so it is slightly possible to see something,but it always ends up caosting me $$$ as I don't make enough if I'm sitting in a city where a band is playing,but everyonne else in Fla have 2 choices,Fly to a city where the band is playing,or take it up the ass yet again
So is it a lack of interet from the FL promoters? Sounds like bands (especially DT) would draw, and have drawn pretty well down there. That's pretty odd, and definately a bummer..... Even DT sometimes plays in 2 different areas of WI, which makes no sense to me either.......
Dream Theater HAS drawn,they all but sold out the last time they were down here(on the tour with Queensryche and Fates),In Lauderdale,Tampa,and Orlando
They packed it in all 3 places they played on the 6degrees tour.

Its still mind boggling Heaven and Hell are not going down here either,
Somebody said it right when they mentioned the promoters. It's all about $...if they can't get a huge cut...they don't bother with it. l know DT has had to lower their guarantees in some cases in the Southeast in order for a promoter to jump on board.

SavaRon said:
Every time since then they have been support for somebody...Satch, Queensryche, Megadeth(Gigantour, co-headliner).

QR & Satch were also co-headlining tours.
Somebody said it right when they mentioned the promoters. It's all about $...if they can't get a huge cut...they don't bother with it. l know DT has had to lower their guarantees in some cases in the Southeast in order for a promoter to jump on board.

Well, I know that happened once in Atlanta, yeah. It worked out well, though. That show came within a few hundred of a sellout, at a 3400-person venue.

As for Florida....there might be a problem with promoters, come to think of it. I don't know if "Fat Harry" is still doing metal promotion down there, but I wouldn't trust him to promote a lemonade stand. :flame: