Dream Theater WDADU


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I just picked up the re-master/re-issue of Dream Theater-When Dream and Day Unite CD and I must say I like it a lot! I've never heard it before but I have all the other DT releases and I like them a lot. I had heard so many bad things about their first singer that I was in no hurry to hear this cd. Surprisingly, I rather like his style (reminds me of mid period Rush). There are certainly more strained LaBrie vocals that make me cringe at times.
I bought this cd used for $7, when I was looking on eBay tonight, I saw they are selling for $30 now cause it was a Limited #d Edition!
Anyways, anyone else have any thoughts on this cd, the old singer, or the reissue?
i actually like WDADU, but i HATE the singer. he sucks, he doesn't sound like the guy from rush, he sounds like a jackass and ruins what is and awesome cd.
I am a huge DT fan, and I gotta say, with the exception of The Killing Hand and the Ytse Jam, WDADU is pretty weak. Awake and SFAM are my two favorite albums.
I never knew there was a re-issue? When was this? How much better does it sound than the original? I probably wouldn't buy it anyways b/c the album is kinda weak, although THE YTSE JAM is one of my favorite DT songs ever and there are a couple other decent tracks on WDADU as well. James LaBrie is superior to Dominci, especially his vox on Images, excellent! His "new toned down" style like on this newest cd, SDOIT kinda suck ass, I still haven't even gotten into that cd.
I have both discs and the remastered disc does sound better but over all they still had a poor mix with this disc.
It's a pretty weak album, I think. I had to buy it for completion. A couple songs are good though. Fortune in lies, Ytsejam, Afterlife, Only a matter of time.

Nice packaging though, with enough photos from their extremely homosexual-looking early days to make my soul put one foot outside of my body.

i love wdadu and i like charlie dominici`s voice. i think he is the perfect vocalist for that album.
I`m a big DT-Fan, but Labrie`s is a weak live-singer...
Originally posted by Schlaxi
i love wdadu and i like charlie dominici`s voice. i think he is the perfect vocalist for that album.
I`m a big DT-Fan, but Labrie`s is a weak live-singer...

I couldn't agree more. I think Dominici's voice fits the material perfectly, and he does not sound like he is straining or forcing his voice to me. On the other hand, LaBrie ofter sounds like he is straining or overreaching when he sings. LaBrie's live singing is painful to listen to at times. It has always amazed me that a band with such superhuman talent can not find a powerful singer who can STAY IN TUNE more than half the time!
You just upset a Rush fan! ;)

Dominici might be OK, but please don't bring Geddy Lee down by comparisons.

Dominici didn't have the strength of Geddy's higher voice or the confidence of his more "modern" voice.