Dream Theater


May 12, 2006
Wiltshire, UK
Dream Theater. What do you think of them?

For those of you who have never heard them they are (in my opinion) a progressive rock band with little bits of metal.

I think that they're extremely talented musicians and I think they sound good.
It must be fun to be in a band like that. No limits, rules or restrictions. They just play what they feel like.

I've got a DrummerWorld DVD featuring them (it's actually based on the DT drummer, Mike Portnoy) and I was very impressed. The band played a vast veriety of styles, even adding some old songs that everybody knows, such as the can-can.

Reilly said:
Dream Theater. What do you think of them?

For those of you who have never heard them they are (in my opinion) a progressive rock band with little bits of metal.

I think that they're extremely talented musicians and I think they sound good.
It must be fun to be in a band like that. No limits, rules or restrictions. They just play what they feel like.

I've got a DrummerWorld DVD featuring them (it's actually based on the DT drummer, Mike Portnoy) and I was very impressed. The band played a vast veriety of styles, even adding some old songs that everybody knows, such as the can-can.


I think they define the "prog-metal" genre in the fact, they always take new directions in their releases. I do consider them "metal" though. I also don't consider them the best of the genre. Though they already have defined their sound, I think Vanden Plas (Germany) has taken the pilot seat of prog-metal as far as quality releases, especially with their latest one, "Christ0."

I love Dream Theater...my favoritest band ever. I'd put them into a progressive hard rock/metal category, they have some really heavy stuff amidst their discography. If you start to like them Reilly, I'd suggest seeing them live...they have a pretty good stage presence and their music comes off much better live than recorded IMO.

@ Bryant: Vanden Plas kicks a ton of ass, but I'm not so sure they're the "pilots" quite yet. I'd have to say DT is still entitled to that seat, but VP isn't very far behind. Either way, they both kick ass.
Reilly said:
Dream Theater. What do you think of them?

For those of you who have never heard them they are (in my opinion) a progressive rock band with little bits of metal.

I think that they're extremely talented musicians and I think they sound good.
It must be fun to be in a band like that. No limits, rules or restrictions. They just play what they feel like.

I've got a DrummerWorld DVD featuring them (it's actually based on the DT drummer, Mike Portnoy) and I was very impressed. The band played a vast veriety of styles, even adding some old songs that everybody knows, such as the can-can.


I think they are the most divisive band in all of metal: one either loves them, or hates them. I hate them; i find theur songs to be poorly composed (the most important thing to me), I find them to be extremely pretentious to the point of parody, I hate their effusive wankery, and I absolutely abhor the voice of that James LaBrie. I would rather listen to Britney Spears or Clay AIken, than be subjected to the high pitch overly dramatic whining and screeching of Mr. LaBrie.

Of course its my opinion only (thus subjective), and I understand why musicians would like the band. Hence, I have no problem that others like them.
@ Speed:

I'm curious as to what songs/bands have good composition in their songs? I find DT's composition to be pretty good even if they do get repetitive. Don't take this personal, but I always like to hear the other side of the DT coin. And I do agree that they are kind of over-wanking the past few albums, but their latest was pretty good as far as wanking went.
NegativeVolume said:
@ Speed:

I'm curious as to what songs/bands have good composition in their songs? I find DT's composition to be pretty good even if they do get repetitive. Don't take this personal, but I always like to hear the other side of the DT coin. And I do agree that they are kind of over-wanking the past few albums, but their latest was pretty good as far as wanking went.

speed said:
Of course its my opinion only (thus subjective), and I understand why musicians would like the band. Hence, I have no problem that others like them.

I think this should cover this statement Negative Volume. And I have not kept track of their recordings, as i dont like them. Perhaps they have changed? I dont like them, i have listed the reasons why; I'm sure there are bands I adore, that you could tear up too. So, lets leave it at that. I have noticed most DT fans cannot leave it at that though, and I think this is a reason why DT is such a divisive band: their fans.
I think they're genre categorization is really dependent of the current DT album you're listening to. They could be grouped with prog rock on the Albums Images and Words and Scene from a Memory. You could also place them as heavy metal on Awake and SDOIT and Train of Thought. They're really to experimental to be defined.
I see where you're comin from, and I'm just curious as to what you consider good, that's all. I don't really care that you don't like DT, you're not the only one. I just like to take opinion's from people like you to see what other music is out there that I've probably never heard of. And I'd never rip into another band...music is an art, there's no right or wrong.
NegativeVolume said:
I see where you're comin from, and I'm just curious as to what you consider good, that's all. I don't really care that you don't like DT, you're not the only one. I just like to take opinion's from people like you to see what other music is out there that I've probably never heard of. And I'd never rip into another band...music is an art, there's no right or wrong.

Totally agreed. ALthough I dont see any problem with criticism.
Dream Theater are OK. I love progressive rock and I love heavy metal, but I don't go a bundle on a lot of music that's labelled as 'progressive metal'. A lot of it to me is just metal with more time changes and keys. That said, I have several DT albums and enjoy them all, my favourites being 'Images and Words' and 'Scenes from a Memory'.
Scenes From A Memory is one of my favorite albums of all time. I wasn't really impressed with 6DoiT (except for the second disc)...it seemed too...all over the place. There wasn't a lot of continuity. It was like they were in an odd spot and were trying to find a sound that worked. Train of Thought I did not like at all because again I felt like they were doing something that wasn't really their style. I absolutely hated "As I Am"...there were a few decent tracks but I wasn't impressed. They won me back with Octavarium. It had a very organic sound to it, the wankery took a backseat, and they focused more on crafting well written songs.
unknown said:
Scenes From A Memory is one of my favorite albums of all time. I wasn't really impressed with 6DoiT (except for the second disc)...it seemed too...all over the place. There wasn't a lot of continuity. It was like they were in an odd spot and were trying to find a sound that worked.

The second 6DoiT disk is definatly the better of the two..

I listened to Scenes from a Memory at least 10 times in a row straight when I first bought it, and I'm still obsessed with it, its an amazing album :)