
New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
Well..I am correcting this original post....Erik EZ (ex- Platitude) is the new singer for Dreamscape as well as Volace Hystoria (great French metal band)...Some singers can't get one good band but Erik landed two! Both releases will kick ass! I'm pretty sure you will see Veloce Hystoria cd first as it was already recorded with their first singer and not released yet, But we shall see! 2009 is shaping up to be a killer year for metal!
I love Dreamscape. I am always listening to them, but without Roland they are dead to me. If they bring him back, then I'll support them again. His voice IS Dreamscape.
I love Dreamscape. I am always listening to them, but without Roland they are dead to me. If they bring him back, then I'll support them again. His voice IS Dreamscape.
I cannot argue that Roland was there man for sure and is also a good friend of mine as well however, Erik is really an amazing singer and mark my words man....He will get you back on board when you hear him on the new cd!
Well, it's all about the music. If the music is good, I'll buy it. Period.

But I do wonder from a marketing perspective if there's any point in using a band name when the lineup changes are so ultra-frequent and results in such huge changes to the bands sound. Dreamscape is primarily Wolfgang's project, am I right? Then he should probably do like Yngwie or Axel Rudi Pell and just use his name.
Dreamscape is great. When are they going to be a PPUSA again? I have never seen them.
I like Roland a whole lot. However, I have no problems telling anyone that "Very" is their masterpiece and Hubi was a big part of that to me.

No doubt about it. One of my personal top 10 albums in prog metal. Hubi brought so much passion to Dreamscape. With that said, I am looking forward to the change as I could never truly enjoy Roland as I always had Hubi in the back of my mind. Now after having heard someone after Hubi, perhaps I will open up more to Roland's replacement.
I cannot argue that Roland was there man for sure and is also a good friend of mine as well however, Erik is really an amazing singer and mark my words man....He will get you back on board when you hear him on the new cd!

I really like Dreamscape...their brand of prog metal is right up my alley...Wolfgang knows his stuff. 5th Season has some good material on it. I've also enjoyed Platitude (pimped them for PP before, right after their 1st release)...especially the vocals, so having their ex-vocalist join might raise Dreamscape to another level. I look forward to the new stuff.
I always thought Hubi sounded flat when singing for Dreamscape,Roland had more emotion when getting into the songs.....
Erik is really an amazing singer and mark my words man....He will get you back on board when you hear him on the new cd!

I hope that you are right. Sometimes you just prefer one vocal performance to another. It is completly subjective, just like Sammy vs. Dave. I prefer Roland's vocals, but I will give Erik a chance for sure.
He has two solo discs and is currently in production of the third. Great stuff :)

***Yeah.....TRINITY should have been released already darn it, Woflgang is a part of the guitars this time around as well...so that's as close as you'll see a "DREAMSCAPE RE-UNION"! can't wait for TRINITY!
***Yeah.....TRINITY should have been released already darn it, Woflgang is a part of the guitars this time around as well...so that's as close as you'll see a "DREAMSCAPE RE-UNION"! can't wait for TRINITY!

Not sure why Trinity hasn't been released yet. I had hoped the delay was because he was busy reforming with Dreamscape. Alas, he has stopped reply to my e-mails, his myspace profile was deleted, and his website hasn't been updated since the initial Trinity announcement. Kinda has me wondering what's going on.... :-\
Not sure why Trinity hasn't been released yet. I had hoped the delay was because he was busy reforming with Dreamscape. Alas, he has stopped reply to my e-mails, his myspace profile was deleted, and his website hasn't been updated since the initial Trinity announcement. Kinda has me wondering what's going on.... :-

That is so ironic and weird!!!!!!!! Hubi and I used to e-mail and speak on the phone a few times a month and he stopped replying all of a sudden EXACTLY when he announced TRINITY. I tried to call him recently and no answer. I contacted Wolfgang today and his reply was " I am having the same problem, no replies"...kind of strange and slightly disturbing considering Wolfgang was a major part of the new cd.
I am looking forward to hear Dreamscape's next release. I like a couple of the albums, but didn't quite get into the last one. Maybe I should give it another spin.