That is so ironic and weird!!!!!!!! Hubi and I used to e-mail and speak on the phone a few times a month and he stopped replying all of a sudden EXACTLY when he announced TRINITY. I tried to call him recently and no answer. I contacted Wolfgang today and his reply was " I am having the same problem, no replies"...kind of strange and slightly disturbing considering Wolfgang was a major part of the new cd.

Hmm.. He replied to a few of my messages after the Trinity announcement but they were rather strange e-mails. Just didn't seem like himself but said he was focusing hard on the new album, no matter how long it took. I hope he's doing okay. Maybe he has some personal or health issues affecting things. I sure hope he doesn't scrap the project though! :ill:
wow! what a nice discussion!

about roland:
i always thought roland had a perfect voice to this kind of music. but he don't wants to sing this stuff any longer... and for sure it is difficult with a nearly complete new lineup... but i founded dreamscape 23 years ago and for example roland was about 7 years in this band. another example of the new way of dreamscape: ralf, our new bassplayer or david our new keyboarder did now more gigs in 1,5 years with dreamscape than roland ever did... maybe we are still a hobby band... but for sure we are more profis than ever!

about hubi:
i love him! and i asked him two years ago to join dreamscape again but he denied. but hubi helped me a at this time lot to get on the right way with dreamscape and my whole life philosophy. iam very thankful to know this guy. i know he is doing fine and i know he needs his freespace to find the right feelings to record this important cd "trinity". unfortunately i was not able to record this cd in time and with the right spirit and we both decided to give another guitarist the chance to play on it.

about new and old fans:
sadly its a fact that with dreamscape we did not reach our goals in our music career. we tried hard but with the old lineup we failed. maybe we are able to reach not exactly the same fans with our new style and new lineup but i believe it will be even more. but what i would not get is that our old fans are a little bit offended - and to call us dead sounds a little bit like this... there was no aim to kill the band or kick someone out of the band - it was just life and i had the decision to go on or to let it be...
but i must say after all this serious words - first of all we have more fun in the rehearsal room with our music and the band spirit is much better. and at the end the only thing that counts is fun!

kind regards!
but what i would not get is that our old fans are a little bit offended - and to call us dead sounds a little bit like this... there was no aim to kill the band or kick someone out of the band - it was just life and i had the decision to go on or to let it be...
but i must say after all this serious words - first of all we have more fun in the rehearsal room with our music and the band spirit is much better. and at the end the only thing that counts is fun!

kind regards!

There will always be detractors & naysayers...ignore them.

So...from an old Dreamscape fan...I liked 5th Season...and I look forward to the new stuff. Bring it!