fuck youir sons a whores!!!
I LOVE scotchh!!
LOL i look l,ike a fuckin indian in my picture! haha ima scalp ya bicthes!! haha
dirnk up vbrothers!! WOOOOOOO
Winner said:
fuck youir sons a whores!!!
I LOVE scotchh!!
LOL i look l,ike a fuckin indian in my picture! haha ima scalp ya bicthes!! haha
dirnk up vbrothers!! WOOOOOOO
Thraxdude666 said:Best belgian beer I have tasted is Bush. It's 12% and totally ruins you.
Heh heh great stuff.
That combined with jagermeister is the end of your night as I found out on new years eve
Wicked Child said:I'm a Mexican beer/whiskey/Amaretto/Pisco man, myself. But i have never and never will get drunk on Amaretto. It's a sweet drink and those bite you in the ass in the end.
#1_Droogie said:but the only downside to em, is the INSANE price! its like TEN bucks for a 6-pack! its daylight robbery
Bryant said:Belgium, though it's a tiny country has over 500 brews. I have only tried maybe 20-25 of them, so it's hard to say what my favorite is. So far, I like the Corsendonk Abbey ale. I think it is around 10.5% ABV. Usually unless it's an IPA or something else really hoppy that can hide the alcohol taste, anything over around 8%, I can start tasting the alcohol and it interferes with the malts and hops.
Wyvern said:a) you shouldn't been drinking at 16. At least wait until is legal (18 or 21 depending your laws)
b) a way to discourage alcohiol drinking is to raise taxes and prices on beverages. That's common practice from government and I agree is a neat idea even is not always practical.
P.S. It's amazing how good you can party with a Coke
Griffin- said:haha I'm always glad I'm unable to log in when I'm drunk
it prevents me from posting all kinds of spam