Drop G on a 25.5" scale


Sep 22, 2010
I'm going to buy a new guitar, after playing 6-string for a while in Drop C, and I never really got lower then that. I'm going to buy the Ibanez RG7621 for a damn cheap price. :)

It has a 25.5" scale neck (pretty short I guess) and I was wondering if I could tune it to Drop G without it being detuned very quickly. Are there any other problems with 25.5" scale necks in Drop G? I don't really care about floppy-ish strings (not too floppy though).

Thank you. :rock:
Ok fair enough. So Drop A is do-able?

EDIT: Ok, well I was just wondering, it's not a must for me to go to Drop G, I was just wondering. So Drop A is still do-able? :)
Just tracked a band with a song in F. Tracked some of the rhythms on a PRS SE One with a 25" scale. Keeping it in tune and playing it in tune sucked, but it worked, and sounded sick. Not something I would use live though.
I have a .070 on my 25.5" which is tuned to B standard, because 0.60 just wouldn't cut it. I like to have a bit of string tension, so I wouldn't tune a 25.5" instrument all the way down to G. But then again there are people who like to use .009.-0.054 for B tuning, and if you're one of them tuning to G should be doable with a set of heavy strings...
Going to a 27"+ scale is going to severely limit your choices. Agile and PRS are about the only production guitars currently on the market with 27" scales.
Its not poorly positioned.. Maybe u dont like it.. But its a SIGNATURE guitar.. Made for Stephen Carpenter.. Besides the Devman (Devin Townsend) used it for a long time, if its good enough for him.. Its good enough for me

Well if it's a SIGNATURE guitar then we must all bow down before it and sings its praises, musn't we. Geez.........