strings help

May 23, 2007
ok guys could use some advice so i don't break the neck on my axe.
one of my guitars is tuned to C sharp standard with an ernie ball beefy slinky 54, 42, 32 22(plain) 15 11 now this is working fine for me with a 24.75 as you can tell i like heavy strings.
ok so my problem is im setting up my other guitar to drop right down to G sharp standard being the lowest 6 strings of a 7 string in the same tuning as my main guitar. this ones 25.5 scale and im aiming for roughly the same tension if possible or maybe a slight amount lighter all suggestions are welcome
cheers guys
You're looking at least over a 70 gauge for the low G#/Ab if you like beefy tension.
Speaking from personal experience, 64 was about right for G#, but I'm into relatively light gauges though.