Drudkh - Estrangement

Aside from the fact I haven't properly analysed this latest work, upon first listen I am not feeling the strength of Blood In Our Wells. Nevertheless, as per Alex's words on the site, the bass playing *is* quite exceptional, and the album is by no means bad, or negative in any way.
I didn't love it upon first listen, but after listening to it more, I am really starting to love it. Some of the riffs sound similar to riffs on other albums, but not the the extent of being 'recycled.' I havn't heard Songs of Grief and Solitude, but to me it seems Drudkh can do no wrong.
I thought Anti-Urban was an interesting work, slightly more of an experiment for them. It's a decent work in it's own right, but nothing groundbreaking of course.
I haven't given it a proper listen yet, but I did check it out when it first leaked. I can't say I've ever really been much of Drudkh fan though, from what I've heard so far it sounds pretty 'average.'
i agree that it is similar to their previous albums, i'd say its more of a hybrid between forgotten legends and BIOW, you can also hear some anti-urban..

this is a great album. Of coruse this isn't groundbreaking, or the best thing ever to come out like so many fanboys are hyping it out to be. however, i find it absurd when people call this album (or any) bad because it's not original. Drudkh plays great atmospheric black metal, they do that well, and i don't think they are looking to experiment or stray far from it. i will be happy if they continue on this path, i've liked every release from them.

also, whats with there only being 4 tracks? supernal said there would be 5 long tracks.
I'd get the deluxe version (I got that for Blood in our Wells), but it doesn't fit in my CD stacker thing and I'm disorganized/messy/a slob as it is so I better not.
No wonder you freely admit to leeching shit and not paying the artist. Do you even have any appreciation of art at all? This is not the first time I've seen you have a fucking whinge about having to pay for music.

Presentation is just as important as the music itself. The art, the print, it ALL matters. It is all part of the whole experience of enjoying music. But then again, I guess you wouldn't know because you seem to refuse to spend a fucking cent and support the artists.

I'm perfectly happy spending our cash to buy these deluxe editions etc.

And what's with all the complaining about Supernal? There's no problem with them!
Hubster, I could'nt agree with you more. We MUST support the bands that we love and appreciate.
i really like it - its so much better than the swan road, the only other one ive really listened to cept 2 songs off blood in our wells