Drudkh cover, release date etc

That Alex guy, who runs Supernal, is hilarious but totally unintentionally. He is also the man behing Benighted Leams (worst band ever) who are on Supernal, his own label. I find that pretty silly to begin with, essentially starting up you own label to release your own CD, probably because nobody else will. But what's funnier is him writing reviews on his own band on Metal Archives and giving rating the album 100%. The review itself is comedy gold: http://www.metal-archives.com/review.php?id=60256
Doom said:
I find that pretty silly to begin with, essentially starting up you own label to release your own CD, probably because nobody else will.

... or, you could say it's quite silly to sign away the rights to your work to other people, just because they're a label and they want you to.

The first Benighted Leams is fun. Fuckin' wwwweeeiiirrrrddddddd.

Benighted Weamies!
Jim LotFP said:
... or, you could say it's quite silly to sign away the rights to your work to other people, just because they're a label and they want you to.
yeah OR you could maybe put aside your utterly irrational bitterness for all things labellike for a moment and try to realize how soulcrushing and inspiration killing it often is for a musician to have to focus on commercial matters like distribution, pressing and promotion instead of the actual ART and CREATIVITY
Erik said:
yeah OR you could maybe put aside your utterly irrational bitterness for all things labellike for a moment and try to realize how soulcrushing and inspiration killing it often is for a musician to have to focus on commercial matters like distribution, pressing and logistics instead of the actual ART and CREATIVITY

As opposed to how non soul crushing it is for a musician to have their art and creativity promoted like crap, deleted, and their money never given to them. :D

It's not silly to just want to do it yourself.
Jim LotFP said:
... or, you could say it's quite silly to sign away the rights to your work to other people, just because they're a label and they want you to.

I take your point, but given how AWFULLY BAD Benighted Leams are, this probably wasn't the reason he did it, haha.
Doom said:
I take your point, but given how AWFULLY BAD Benighted Leams are, this probably wasn't the reason he did it, haha.

I've bought Benighted Leams albums (two of them!), and they are far from the worst purchases I've ever made.

Not that they're good or anything... but they aren't even the worst thing on Supernal. Heard M87?
Jim LotFP said:
As opposed to how non soul crushing it is for a musician to have their art and creativity promoted like crap, deleted, and their money never given to them. :D

It's not silly to just want to do it yourself.
truly spoken like someone who's never been in a band actually writing music and releasing albums -- i.e. out of your god damn ass. sorry. do you have any idea the amount of money and especially TIME it takes to release and promote something yourself?

maybe if you live in god damn happy jolly lotfp dreamland with 18 days a week and no job/school to deal with, you can pull this off and still have time for writing and recording music -- in the real world, not so much! i mean being an idealist about shit like this is all well and good but somewhere along the line reviewing 1000s of shit promos, it seems you lost your fucking touch with reality and started spouting misguided nonsense just for the sake of being "controversial".

YES there are labels that act like utter fucking shit and i loathe them at least as much as you, BUT if you sign with a label like earache you should KNOW what the fuck you're getting yourself into, and have no god damn right to come whining about it when they fuck up. learn to deal with decent labels -- because there ARE decent labels.

there is a reason that 99% of bands still venture to sign with labels even though technically it's possible for everyone to release their music on their own, and it's NOT only tradition. it is convenience. musicians should NOT have to be businessmen.
Erik said:
do you have any idea the amount of money and especially TIME it takes to release and promote something yourself?

um, not a band, but yes. sheesh.

Erik said:
there is a reason that 99% of bands still venture to sign with labels even though technically it's possible for everyone to release their music on their own, and it's NOT only tradition. it is convenience. musicians should NOT have to be businessmen.

I agree with you in theory (and at one point was agreeing with you in print), but after being in touch with the reality of the industry surrounding the metal biz (ditto for book publishing), I wouldn't give up any creative rights to any single thing I ever do. Even the good labels have to do silly things just because of the rest of the industry.

If you don't think people should keep control of their own affairs, fine, but attacking somebody who promotes such an idea makes no sense.
Jim LotFP said:
I agree with you in theory (and at one point was agreeing with you in print), but after being in touch with the reality of the industry surrounding the metal biz (ditto for book publishing), I wouldn't give up any creative rights to any single thing I ever do. Even the good labels have to do silly things just because of the rest of the industry.

If you don't think people should keep control of their own affairs, fine, but attacking somebody who promotes such an idea makes no sense.
ok let me rephrase this in a more friendly manner then

your proposition, though noble, has little to no hope of being implemented in reality on a large scale