FEN - Ancient Sorrow - for fans of Drudkh, Klabautamann, Alcest, etc.

Yeah I've heard the whole EP and was pumped when I read the description, but it just didn't do anything!
swizzles, I will say that while I wasn't a fan of the single track when I heard it on Myspace, I enjoyed it a lot more upon hearing it in the proper context of the flow of the EP (as well as having a higher quality rip to sample).

While I'm not doing cartwheels just yet, I'm much more interested than I was previously and am looking forward to checking out the first full length (thanks to Zod's recommendation).

Much as I liked their EP, this is far superior. Got elements of shoegaze/dreampop at times (similarish to alcest) but also more post-rock influence, particularly on the last three songs I feel.

Immense album, almost flawless.
That description gave me wood. Going to grab my headphones, some lube and a few Kleenex and give this a spin. Thanks for the link.

Been spinning this quite a few times lately. Would have ended up in my top 5 this year, but it's an 09 release.