FEN - Ancient Sorrow - for fans of Drudkh, Klabautamann, Alcest, etc.

I've been listening to The Malediction Fields quite a bit lately, and while I think it's way better than the EP, the clean singing is really bothering me. I'm hoping it will grow on me.

I love how they have taken Agalloch and Ulver and meshed it with the early Norwegian black metal bands. Some of the riffs I feel are straight out of DMDS and In the Nightside Eclipse.
this ain't bad!

they used to have terribly annoying production but this sounds pretty good in my current crapshit earbuds, at least

it's also, fortunately, not too far descended down the pit of meaningless and sackless post rock meandering (which was what i suspected this band might have done next)
this is actually genuinely good

good on ya lads

they always had promise but maybe they finally learned to UH! deliver the goods!
they were very good live, so much that we bought "dustwalker"... but it turns out they were not as good on record