Drudkh - Songs of Grief and Solitude

Actually it's not that bad.. I'll give the album a spin later today but I sense a Drudkh overdose, folk or not.
K, I just heard one track.

The way I'm thinking is, this isn't meant to be looked at as a full Drudkh album. I'll need to hear the rest though.
M.Lehto said:
I read from another board, that they re-recorded 3 older songs for this, I still haven't heard the album...fuck

Humm interesting...
Tell us your impressions whenever you'll hear the song.
I've basically worshipped this band since the beginning, but at least now I feel they've failed. All songs are played by electro-acoustics, a lot of flute, but overall, I was expecting a lot better. Acoustic themes from Solitude worked good though. Hopefully this only needs more time...