Drudkh - Songs of Grief and Solitude

M.Lehto said:
I've basically worshipped this band since the beginning, but at least now I feel they've failed. All songs are played by electro-acoustics, a lot of flute, but overall, I was expecting a lot better. Acoustic themes from Solitude worked good though. Hopefully this only needs more time...

Currently listening. This is definitely something different.
after listening to three songs, I hear some common melodies that I've heard before through Drudkh, but they are using them with a completely different tone.
I've only listened through once so far and it's pretty much what I expected. It didn't hit me with any great force and it's no landmark folk album but I enjoyed it and I'll be buying it.

For those that aren't enjoying it: Is it just not what you expected? Do you normally like folk? I'm not entirely understanding the negative reactions while it seemed so many were looking forward to this with some idea of what it was to be.

I can already foresee a lot of people wanting more Battlefields type interludes (which Hate Forest didn't even write nor perform, correct?) and being disappointed with this which I think is a shame.
Thanatopsis123 said:
For those that aren't enjoying it: Is it just not what you expected? Do you normally like folk? I'm not entirely understanding the negative reactions while it seemed so many were looking forward to this with some idea of what it was to be.
For me, it's just not compelling or interesting in any way. I don't think it's bad persay, I just don't feel the need to hear it again. I suppose I could queue it up, on a cold January day, while I'm working. However, it just doesn't rate as anything more than background music.

I think the line between people who aren't enjoying this and those who dig it may have something to do with exposure to and appreciation of real folk music, not the shit that gets haphazardly mixed in with "pagan" metal riffs and released with naturey pictars on the cover.
is Sol Invictus folk?

I enjoyed the Drudkh album, interesting twist, but by far my least favorite album by them.
honestly, what were people expecting? another Kveldssanger?

most paganish bands' forays into a folk album havent been their best works. look at manegarm, and talk of the new borknagar was almost nonexistent, skyforger's was OK, and zpoan vtenz (same band as Poccolus) was a bit better than average.

yeah, it seems a lot of the ones that dont like what they are hearing (i still firmly believe samples dont count) are the ones that arent normally into this type of music except for those few more assessible ones.
there must be because i know zod and JayK wouldnt buy this without hearing the whole thing first

i havent seen it available in the US anywhere yet. but i havent really checked either
I was actually very interested in the new Manegarm AND the Borknagar but I'm too lazy to check out much on my own, too many good albums coming out this year.
new manegarm is OK. not bad, but the metal Vrdens Tid and Dodsfard rule immensely

i even enjoy the folk skyforger a bit.