Drudkh - Songs of Grief and Solitude

Supernal seem to do "weekend specials" just about every weekend, so maybe wait until the weekend to see if they do so, if you were planning on ordering from there. Sign up to their newsletter, or you can view them on their site for announcements. Still probably more expensive than most people are used to though.

The last two Drudkh albums have been blind buys for me, but I haven't really listened to either a great deal, and I still think AA is better than both of 'em, so I may check this out before buying this time.
I've not been very impressed with their black metal releases, but I have a feeling they're able to deliver some trulely great stuff when it comes to the folk/accoustic genre. The interludes on Hate Forest's Battlefields were the only really good parts of that disc, and I wouldn't be surprised if SoGaS will be similar, albeit with some awesome grimness added :kickass:
Sadguru said:

Do you know if they send confirmation email upon shipping the item?

No, not that I remember. I think they just send you an invoice as soon as you make the order (might be wrong though).
My first spin of this didn't floor me. All instrumental, all acoustic. It's solid, but it's hardly captivating. I'll give this a listen through headphones at some point and see if it hits me differently.

General Zod said:
My first spin of this didn't floor me. All instrumental, all acoustic. It's solid, but it's hardly captivating. I'll give this a listen through headphones at some point and see if it hits me differently.


Whatta hell, I need to hear this, please PM me a link for it, the record's not coming here until next week. :notworthy