Drudkh's 'Blood in Our Wells' - Overrated or Not?

Son of Evil

Feb 10, 2007
Drudkh are now one of my favorite bands, after I heard the amazing 'Autumn Aurora' and 'Forgotten Legends' albums. The songs in those albums were really atmospheric, reminded me of autumn leaves falling, dark forests, etc....absolutely fantastic.

Swan Road can't compare to those two. 'Glare of 1768' and 'Blood' were great songs, but the album in general lacked the magic the earlier albums had.

But anyway, this thread is about Blood in Our Wells. I don't know why people hail it as a classic, some say its even better than 'Autumn Aurora' and 'Forgotten Legends'. I, however, feel that it was again, an average album (better than Swan Road though), that failed to create the atmosphere present in their earlier albums. So what are your opinions on Blood in Our Wells?

If you think it was Drudkh's best album, please mention the reason why you think so. I can't see it as anything more than average.
While certainly an above average band, I find all of Drudkh's output to be heavily overrated; I've always preferred the sister band, Hate Forest. I bought Forgotten Legends not long after it came out, and it remains my favourite album by the band. It's very organic, earthy and extremely spirited - often reminding me of early Burzum not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for the spirit and essence of the music; it seems to be trying to achieve a similar purpose.
I only have Blood In Our Wells. It's really good but I agree it's a tad overrated. I really have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
I agree, I think this album is quite overrated. It's not bad by any means but I don't see what the hype is all about.
The one thing Blood in Our Wells lacks is the atmosphere. Songs like 'Eternal Turn of the Wheel','Winds of the Night Forests', etc. from their earlier albums are indescribably beautiful for me. This album does not have any song that can reach the level of those. Except perhaps 'Solitude', and even that cannot compare to the others.
I don't understand why it is a favourite band of yours, when you appear to share the same opinion as I? The Swan Road in particular and Blood in Our Wells have caused me to lose some interest in the band. I doubt I'll bother with any further releases - like you said, they completely lacked the magic - the organic / vivid pictures of nature of the first two albums, which in turn for me suggested a lack of authenticity and of being genuine. I haven't listened to the other release and won't bother. The first two were stunning, the rest are generic and uninteresting.
Well, I didn't get their latest release either, since I heard that it was more folk-ier than ever.

When I said Drudkh has become one of my favorite bands, I only took their first 2 albums into consideration. Because those albums are better than most stuff I have heard before.
My favourite Drudkh's probably go in order, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with Blood in our Wells. I completely disagree why you say it lacks atmosphere. The album from start to finish is just pure atmosphere. The melodies weave in and out of their riffing while the vocals drone over top of them. Yes, their riffing styles changed on Blood in our Wells, but I think it was necessary evolution for the band. They have become slightly more aggressive, and slightly less organic. Their new EP, is fucking great they have a song which combines the Blood in our Wells aggressive riffing, yet make the track completely hypnotic and atmospheric. The song, Ashes, is just absolutely fantastic, it's everything you could want from a Drudkh song, but I'm still soaking it in.

I can see why Malignance likes Hate Forest more though :). How is their side Dark Ambient band Dark Ages?

EDIT: Overrated? I really don't know or care for that matter because it's all about what you get out of the music.
It's their only album I've heard and I haven't exactly rushed to hear anything else. it wasn't band, but I think I just have a bias against 15mb songs n shit.
No no no no no no no.

You're all wrong. Blood in Our Wells is excellent, and the second best Drudkh album behind Forgotten Legends. If anything, Autumn Aurora is overrated.

BioW doesn't have the atmosphere of FL, but it has more feeling and emotion than any other release by the band. It's also quite dynamic. Songs like When the Flame Turns to Ashes and Eternity are near the band's best work. The album is also really consistent from start to finish. AA and TSR waver in quality a bit much.

I just got Anti-Urban in the mail today. Copies 319 and 320 of 999. So apparently there are still a good number left.
I don't know if it is overrated, but it is probably their most popular. Likely due to it being their most accessible and poppy release yet; they replaced the atmosphere-building repetition that many don't have the attention span to handle with a good amount of guitar hooks and leads that weren't really there in great quantity before. So if you combine the mainstream appeal with the nationalist themes that give it more acceptance in the underground, you have the recipe for an album getting a lot of exposure.

Even so, I'm surprised at how much attention the band is getting, I'd assume that will max out soon as the racist/NS connections and connotations the band carries become more well known. Although look at Burzum...

Anyway, I enjoyed BIOW as much as any other release of theirs I have heard.
I liked "Forgotten Legends" for its atmosphere and also think that "Lebedynyy Shliakh" was great. It had not such a great atmosphere but i liked it a bit better musicwise.
Blood in our Wells had completely the same sound as Lebedynyy Shliakh, but was just not as good. For me it is quite a useless album.
I've yet to hear it, but my expectations have been incredibly high for when I eventually do get it (might order it soon).
Well, I must say I am quite satisfied with the Anti-Urban 10" so far. It's hard to put a describe the sound. It's the darkest thing by Drudkh to date. It's almost what The Swan Road should have been like.